How to get Invoice from Amazon: A Comprehensive Guide

Ordered something on Amazon and couldn’t find an appropriate way to download the invoice for your purchase. Don’t get panic about this, as here you will get to know all possible alternative ways by which you can get Invoice against your Amazon Orders. This blog article for sure will act as a Comprehensive Guide about how to get Invoice from Amazon Website as well as Amazon Mobile App.

But prior to that let’s first understand a bit about what Invoice actually means and why it matters.

About Amazon Invoice:

For most of your purchases on Amazon you will be issued a downloadable invoice, while for other such purchases which does not comes with an Invoice, you have to request from the seller for the same.

Practically speaking Invoice is the most essential document for your purchase, especially in case of online orders. Getting an invoice is particularly helpful when you bought items that come with a guarantee or warranty period, for example; electronic equipments or appliances. As you will always be require to have the invoice in first place in order to claim for such guarantee or warranty.

In addition to that the invoice also helps you to recognize and verify the seller details alongside the taxes borne by you with respect to the said purchase.

Downloading Invoice for an Amazon Order: 

Amazon allows an easy access to purchase invoices and offers multiple well-situated ways by which you can get the invoice against any of your purchase orders. The process is relatively similar in either cases when you try to download invoice using an Amazon Mobile App or by navigating to Amazon website on laptop/desktop.

You can easily get a downloadable invoice from Amazon Mobile App. This can be achieved by going to “Your Orders” option under the Menu provided on top left of the Home Page. Then after you are required to locate and open the order for that particular purchase and finally getting the Invoice by clicking on “Download Invoice” option given underneath the Order Info.

On the other hand, you can also get the Invoice downloaded from Amazon Website – For this purpose all you need to find and click on “Returns & Orders” tab. Look for particular purchase order, the one you wish to get Invoice for and then click on the invoice tab drop-down to get the invoice and/or warranty slip.

Now that you have got an overview about how to get Invoice from Amazon against your purchase items, let’s get into the detailed steps to download the invoice using different alternative methods.

Methods to Download Invoice from Amazon:

Three different methods may help you in getting the Invoice from Amazon using Website or Mobile App. These methods are listed as under:

  • Method 1: Using Web Browser on your PC/Laptop or Mobile
  • Method 2: Using Amazon Mobile App
  • Method 3: Using the Email received from Amazon

A step-by-step guide (relative to each of these methods) is provided below to perform the task with more precision and ease.

How to Download Invoice from Amazon Website using your Browser on PC/Laptop:

  • Navigate to the official Amazon Website.
  • Once landed on the Home Page click on the “Returns & Orders” tab.
  • Look for the item (for which you want to get invoice) by scrolling through the order list. This can alternatively be done using the search bar (in case if purchase is not so old). Type the item name and hit enter.
  • You will note that every order comes with a set of information including date of order, total amount, Order ID etc. We will also get an Invoice tab drop-down.
  • As soon as you click on the invoice dropdown, a list of options will appear on the screen to download the Invoice, Warranty Slip and any other such documents.
  • Click on the Invoice, to get the PDF file of the invoice.

How to Download Invoice from Amazon Website using your Browser on Mobile:

  • Open your Mobile Browser and head to official Amazon Website.
  • Once landed on the Home Page, go to the Account by tapping the person icon.
  • Then select ‘Sell All’ option provided next to “Your Orders”.
  • Look for the item (for which you want to get invoice) by scrolling through the order list. This can alternatively be done using the search bar (in case if purchase is not so old). Type the item name and hit enter.
  • After you find the order, tap on the “Order Details” option.
  • Finally on the next screen, you will get the option to “Download Invoice”.  Tap on it and get the desired invoice.

How to Download Invoice from Amazon Mobile App:

This happens to be the well-situated method to get the invoice using the Amazon App on your mobile. The steps involved are given below:

  • Launch the Amazon App on your Mobile device.
  • Once landed on the Home Screen, go to the Account by tapping the person icon at the bottom.
  • Next locate and tap Your Orders option from the available list of options.
  • Look for the item (for which you want to get invoice) by scrolling through the order list. This can alternatively be done using the search bar (in case if purchase is not so old). Type the item name and hit enter.
  • After you find the item order, tap on the right arrow to open it.
  • On next screen, you will get to see “Order Info”, under this section find and tap on the “Download Invoice” button.
  • Lastly tap on “Download Document” to get the PDF version of Invoice.

Note: This option was not accessible before as the app did not offer any direct way to download Invoice

How to Download Invoice from Email received from Amazon on Order Dispatch

  • Open your Email account (the one linked to your Amazon Account).
  • Go to the Inbox search and enter the words Amazon Order Dispatch. The search result will display the list of mails from Amazon.
  • Find the email for the said item order. (If you remember the exact date of purchase order go straight to it.)
  • After you find the email, open it and find the “View or Print Invoice” button.
  • This will redirect you to your Amazon Account- Sign in and there on you can get your invoice in PDF format.

Note: On a few occasions you won’t get an option to view invoice on the Amazon Email. These usually include cases, when there are multiple items dispatched at a time or when the invoice is not generated at the time of dispatch.

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