Undelete Reddit Comments: Effective Ways to Read Deleted Posts and Comments on Reddit

Reddit is an immense platform to spend time and a preferred community to interact with likeminded people. Redditors enjoy sharing posts, videos and thoughts freely. But sometimes after making a post or comment users or subreddit Mods/Admins remove it owing to one or the other reasons. Having done that most of the Redditors have no idea about how they can undelete Reddit comments or posts.

As this happens to be one of the most frequent queries from Redditors, here’s an article which will let you understand how to read deleted Reddit posts and comments.

Before moving on to the main concern, let’s get into the reasons why reddit posts are not visible on the app.

Reasons Why Reddit Posts Aren’t Visible?

If you are not getting Reddit posts or comments, then there may be more than a few reasons why you are not able to see it on your feed area or the subreddit community. Following are the common causes behind why your posts are not visible:

  • Most often the reason for such occurrence is that Mods or Admins of subreddits might have deleted the post or comments due to one or the other violations with respect to Reddit policy/guidelines.
  • Another probable reason could be that Reddit flags the particular comment or posts as spam or irrelevant.
  • In case where some user has deactivated their account, then posts or comments from them will no longer be visible. Hence the next reason is that the user account is unavailable on Reddit.
  • Beside the aforementioned reasons, it is also viable that your post itself is removed from Reddit.

Also Read: How To Delete Messages On Reddit To Get Rid Of Unwanted Messages

Undelete Reddit Comments: How to Read Deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

If you wish to read deleted Reddit posts and comments, there are certain online tools available at your dispose. All it takes is a bit of patience as such online tools may not function well at times due to connectivity or other related issues. Moreover you may need to test these tools before deploying them.

Let’s have a look at some of the most commonly used tools to read deleted posts and comments alongside the stepwise procedure for each of them:

1. Read Deleted Posts on Reddit via Unddit

The first and foremost tool in the tool is Unddit, which is a successor to Removeddit. It is a third-party online tool which lets you to read deleted Reddit posts and comments. Several Reddit users have been using this tool for the purpose of reading the deleted posts and comments on Reddit. Follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Go to the deleted Reddit post or comment you want to read
  • Now edit the URL of the post.
  • Replace the word reddit with unddit in domain name and then hit the enter button. (Consider the URLs given below)
    • Original URL – https://www.reddit.com/r/sub/post/abc
    • URL to be replaced as – https://www.unddit.com/r/sub/post/abc

2. View Deleted Reddit Posts via Reveddit

Apart from Unddit, you can try reveddit to see deleted comments and posts. But, there is a catch, you can only see content that are deleted by bots or mods. There is no way to see the content that was deleted by a user. Here are the steps that you need to follow to use Reveddit.

  • Go to Reveddit’s official website.
  • Copy and paste the username/subreddit or post link from which you want to see the post and hit go button.
  • Now scroll through the archived page and see which comments were deleted by users, bots or mods.
  • If a comment was deleted before Reveddit’s archival, you can click on the “Restore” button to check it.

3. See Deleted Reddit Comments via Resavr

Resavr is another online tool on the list. Though you won’t be able to find a specific Reddit comment using the URL like above two methods; you have to search for it. Here is how.

  • Navigate to “Resavr” from your device.
  • Use the search bar located on website and search for the keywords that were related to deleted comment and press enter.
  • Browse the result page and try to find the deleted comment.
  • When you click a link, it would show a page with contents of the deleted comment.

4. Read Deleted Reddit Comments Using Google Cache

Google caches each and every URL on web so it can be accessed quickly by users. Also, it is a great way to check latest snapshot of reddit posts and find deleted posts and comments. Here is how:

  • Copy the reddit post’s URL you are willing to see the deleted content.
  • In the URL bar, add “cache:” and paste the Reddit post URL and hit enter.
  • Now you will be able to see the deleted content if it was not removed from the cache page.

5. Read Deleted Reddit Post or Comments via Web Page Archive (Way Back Machine)

A web page archive is yet another tool to be used if you wish to read deleted Reddit posts and comments. In the virtual space of worldwide web, each day countless web pages get archived on the internet, inclusive of Reddit pages and posts for a long. To read deleted Reddit posts and comments using web page archive you are required to perform following undelying steps –

  • Navigate to “Way back machine.”
  • Enter the URL of the Reddit page from which you want to read posts and comments.
  • If you are lucky there is all possibility of getting cached versions of the URL Reddit post.

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