Fixing “Try again later” Instagram Error: A Comprehensive Guide

Instagram for sure is one of the most admired social networking platforms, but of late users have faced certain issues as well. One of the random errors popping up every now and then is “Try Again Later”. Instagram users have been reportedly complaining about it and if you too have encountered this issue as well; continue reading this comprehensive guide to know the reasons and fixes to resolve “Try Again Later” on Instagram.

What does ‘Try again later’ mean and reasons behind it 

The “Try again later” error occurs when your actions are considered to be inappropriate as per Instagram’s policy guidelines.  It is somewhat similar to the Instagram action block issue being talked about.

The common causes resulting to this problem can be listed down as under:

  • followed/unfollowed too many users instantly,
  • liked plenty of posts or commented on several people within a short span of time,
  • sent numerous direct messages at once.

If any of above said things happens then Instagram thinks about you being a bot and wishes to avert such spam-like activity and thereby by restricts your actions.

Other than that, there is also a likelihood of your profile being reported by other Instagram users. But if none of these appears to be applicable, then probably you are a victim of the disreputable action block bug on Instagram.

So, in case you are also being caught by this issue and looking to figure out a solution to get rid of the problem, here’s some tested methods to resolve Instagram “Try Again Later” error. 

Fixing ‘Try again later’ issue on Instagram

When struck with this error, you can try the possible solutions mentioned underneath and get rid of the ‘Try again later’ issue: 

Method#1: Restart your device

You must start with the most basic troubleshooting method by restarting your device. Restarting the device will let you to get over some minor software related glitch and thus be helpful in resolving the issue.

Go to the power options of your device and then hit the restart button. Wait for a few seconds till it powers back up, go to Instagram and check if the problem is solved by trying to post/comment or whatever you were at while you first encountered the ‘Try again later’ error. 

Method#2: Log out and log in

Another basic troubleshoot method that may work well is simply logging out and logging back into your Instagram account. To log out of Insta account, you need to perform following steps:

  • Head to your profile page.
  • Hit the ‘Hamburger’ button provided at the top-right corner.
  • Then, tap on ‘Settings’.
  • Lastly, tap on ‘Log out’ Option provided at the bottom of the screen.

To log in back again, Open the Instagram app on your device and enter the valid credentials including your username and password, and then hit ‘Login.’ Alternatively, you can also log in to your Insta profile using your Facebook account. 

Method#3: Log in from another device 

There is a possibility that Instagram might have blocked either the IP address or the device ID. If that’s the case with you, then above two methods won’t help you to solve this problem.

In such instance you must try a different device to access Instagram, i.e.; instead of your mobile phone, power on your PC, navigate to and log in to your account by entering valid credentials (your username and password) and check if the problem is resolved or not. 

In addition to that, you should also try to switch your network connection or use a VPN as a substitute to connect, in case your IP address is blocked. 

Method#4: Change your password

You can even try your luck by changing your Instagram password to get rid of this issue, as in most of the cases users have got the issue resolved by doing so. To change your Instagram password, you are required to take following steps:

Open web browser and navigate to the official website,

  • Sign in to your Instagram account 
  • Once you have logged in, tap on your profile icon provided at the bottom-right of the screen.
  • Next, tap on the gear icon located at the top-left corner.
  • Then head to ‘Change password.’
  • Now, enter your old Instagram password, followed by a new password (to be entered twice). After that tap the ‘Change Password’ button.
  • Once you are done with it, go to the Instagram app and see whether the issue is fixed or not. 

Note: The Instagram mobile app doesn’t allow you to change your password; hence you need to perform it by accessing Instagram via a web browser.

Method#5: Clear Instagram cache

Another method to get rid of “Try again later” error on Instagram is to clear the app cache data. To clear the cache data of the Instagram application, you need to follow steps provided as under:

  • Locate the app on the home page of your app drawer
  • Press-and-hold the app icon and then tap on the ‘info’ button provided at the top-right corner.
  • Now head to the ‘Storage’ option.
  • Lastly, tap on both ‘Clear cache’ and ‘Clear data’.

Open Instagram and log in back again to check if the problem resolved.

Method#6: Link your Facebook Account

When Instagram Police notices unusual activities, it thinks of you as a bot thus restricts you on the platform. You can get over the situation by proving that you are human and not a bot. One way to prove that you are an authentic user in reality, is to link your personal Facebook account to Instagram. 

Following steps are to be followed, if you want to link your Facebook account:

  • Navigate to your profile page and then tap on the hamburger menu provided at the top-right corner.
  • Next, head to ‘Settings’ and then go to ‘Account.’
  • Now, tap on the ‘Sharing to other apps’ option
  • Lastly, to authorize Instagram to use your Facebook credentials, tap on ‘Facebook’.

This will link your Facebook profile to Instagram account and probably you will no longer get to see “Try again later” message on your next log in. 

Method#7: Unlink unwanted third party apps

One of the reasons behind getting this error could be the third-party application or service using your Instagram account. To stop these apps and revoke their access to your Instagram account, you should undertake following steps:

  • Navigate go to your profile and then tap on the ‘Hamburger’ button provided on the top-right corner.
  • Next, head to ‘Settings’ and then tap on ‘Security.’
  • Now, go to ‘Apps and Websites.’
  • In case you have any extensions linked to the Instagram account it will appear under the ‘Active’ tab. Tap on ‘Active’ and remove all the unwanted apps. 

Method#8: Report the issue

If none of the above-mentioned solutions work well for you, it’s better to report the issue to Instagram. There are two ways to get it reported provided as under:

Using ‘Tell Us’ option: When you get the “Try again later” error message, you’ll also get to see two options underneath it as: ‘Tell us’ and ‘Ok.’ Simply tap on ‘Tell us’ to report the issue to Instagram. 

Alternatively, you can report the issue ‘Manually’. You must ensure to take a screenshot of the issue prior to begin the reporting process.

To report the issue manually following steps need to be performed:

  • Navigate go to your profile and then tap on the ‘Hamburger’ button provided on the top-right corner.
  • Next, tap on ‘Settings’ and then go to ‘Help.’
  • Now, tap on ‘Report a problem’, followed by hitting the ‘Report a problem’ option once again.
  • Provide a short description of the issue on the next page and then tap on ‘Gallery’ to upload the screenshot.
  • Finally, tap on ‘Submit’ button to report the issue and then wait for Instagram to reply you with a solution.

That’s it.. You have now learned about how to successfully resolve “Try again later” error on Instagram.

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