Instagram Account Deleted For No Reason? Here’s How To Restore It Back

Instagram is predictable for wrongly taking down posts, imposing unreasonable blocks and disabling users’ accounts mistakenly. Consequently, it seems to be so annoying when you got Instagram account deleted as it will not give you any specific reason behind it. In case your Instagram account is deleted for no apparent reason and you are looking for a way out to restore it, you are luckily on the right post. As a matter of fact there are certain actions which contravene Instagram’s Terms of Use or Community Guideline. So having a clear understanding and proper explanation of these might help you in preventing your Instagram account to be deleted. This blog article, you will let you learn about reasons for which you might get your account deleted. Moreover you will also know how to restore a disabled account and much more. So, here you go……

Reasons For Which Your Instagram Account Gets Deleted:


You might have worked so hard and long for growing your IG account, but suddenly Instagram has disabled it. If you are in search of an answer as of why it has happened; is it due to a use of a third-party app or automation? Or is it because of a violation of the specific Terms of Use or Community Guideline from Instagram? Since Instagram will never going to notify the exact reason of it, instead it just provide a generic pop-up message on your screen.

So if you want to know the reasons for which you might get your Instagram account deleted, note that it may be deleted either mistakenly or because of the fact that you have violated any or some of Instagram’s Community Guidelines taking into consideration the points given as under:

  • At the outset, it could be for posting illegal activities. Instagram never permit users to share anything related to illegal activities like promoting crime, hatred or terrorism. In addition to that sale of illegal goods and services is also strictly forbidden. If you have gone on to share such things then your account might be disabled by Instagram.
  • Next, on the list is inappropriate content, as posting inappropriate content is not permissible on the platform, it may be the most common reason why you can get your account disabled on Instagram. If content posted by you gets reported by any of your followers, or any other user and Instagram confirms that the post breaks community guidelines, there’s all possibility that your account may get disabled. However, Instagram does warn you about it ahead of time via in-app notification, and in some cases also allowing you to appeal within the app prior to Instagram goes on to delete your account.
  • Another reason for which Instagram can disable your account is posting threats that could lead to death or injury. Some of threats being statements to commit, or propose violence.
  • To end with list of reasons, Instagram might have deleted your account by mistake.

And if this reason applies in your case, fortunately, there is a definite way to get your account back. You can restore back your Instagram account by practicing the method provided in the next section given below.

How To Restore A Deleted Instagram Account:

If your account is deleted mistakenly by Instagram, then there is a way which can help you get back such a deleted account on Instagram. This can be done by filling up the “My Instagram account has been deactivated” form provided on Instagram’s Help Centre.

You must keep in mind that the method only works if the account is deleted mistakenly by Instagram while if you have submitted a request to permanently delete your Instagram account back in time, you won’t be in a position to restore as it will be no longer available on Instagram’s database.

Nevertheless, if your Instagram account is disabled by mistake, you will be able to restore it by under taking following steps:

  • Navigate to official website of instagram and visit Instagram’s Help Centre.
  • Go to the “My Instagram account has been deactivated” form.
  • Make appropriate selection for account type indicating whether your account represent a business, product, or service. Do it by selecting yes/no.
  • Complete filling the form by entering your full name, Instagram username, email address, and country.
  • In case of account representing any business, product, or service, you have to give verification of the same in JPEG.
  • Lastly tap on “Send” button to submit the form.

After submitting the form, you will receive verification code on your registered email. After you get the code, Instagram will usually respond to your request within a few hours. If your luck is not on your side you may have to wait for a couple of days for a response from Instagram. In such a situation you just need to stay calm and avoid filling up further forms.

Most of the Instagram users whose account got deleted by mistake have restored back their accounts by using this method. Thus, be patient as there is nothing to panic about.

How To Know If Instagram Account Has Been Deleted?

You can know whether your Instagram account is deleted or not by logging in to it. If you are unable to log in to your account and while trying to log in you are getting a message saying that your account has been disabled for violating Instagram’s terms. This confirms that your Instagram account is deleted.

If you want to know if someone else’s account is deleted on Instagram, just search for their username on Instagram. Thereafter on visiting that person’s profile if you get to see a “User Not Found” error, then it indicates that their account might be deleted. Or else, the person might have blocked you.

Summing Up:

To avoid your Instagram account getting deleted, you must keep in mind the points covered in the article subject to Instagram’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines. As by stopping such actions and activities on your Instagram account you can limit the risk of getting your account disabled. It will also prevent you from the cumbersome process of restoring it.

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