LIA Informant What is it

LIA Informant – What Is It And How It Works? Learn Here…

The android network is full of an assortment of apps and services which run in the background.  Users often get confused with most of these system apps and suspect them to be some sort of malware or spyware causing harm to your device. This blog article is compiled to cover one of such system application … Read more

com motorola launcher3

“com.motorola.launcher3” – Learn more about it

You might have just seen the com.motorola.launcher3 in the used apps of the activity log and wondering what exactly it is. If that’s the case then you have landed on the right place. This blog article will address all your anxiety and curiosity about com motorola launcher3. So with no further ado let’s get to … Read more

com sec android daemonapp

“com sec android daemonapp” – Learn everything about it

There are hell lot of system applications which acts as Bloatware and Adware and come pre-installed with various android devices. These applications usually take up a lot of your CPU and RAM capacity alongside the storage memory as well. One of the applications that we will be dealing in this article is -“”. If you … Read more

lg ims spyware

Is lg ims spyware? Here’s an answer…

Many Android users have a lot of confusion about a system application com.lg.ims and searched for its authenticity. If you are also having doubts like what exactly is this application – is lg ims spyware or virus? This post will help you find an answer and have more clarification over the confusion. It will also … Read more

com sec epdg

“com sec epdg”- is it an imperative system app? Know here…

Android users often gets baffled about the authenticity and functionality of certain applications as there are quite a good number of them installed on their device while many available on app stores. One of such application is  com.sec.epdg; if you are also having a sort confusion about the app and are in suspicion that if … Read more

com samsung android incallui

“com samsung android incallui” – Here’s Everything You Must Know

Many Android users have recently searched for clarifying their doubts on a system application known as or There has been a lot of confusion about the application with many people regarded it to be meant for cheating and several other myths and rumors  were in air about com samsung android incallui. Keeping all these things in mind, … Read more