Rewind, Revive and Rejoice: Here’s How to See Old Stories on Facebook

Facebook users often get puzzled when it comes to finding things on the platform, more than ever it is too tricky to find and see old stories on Facebook. It is on no account easy and get even more complicated with Facebook bringing in regular changes to the user interface. Thus at times it becomes necessary for you to discover the ways to perform such functions. This blog post by all means is a must read if you are looking to find an interesting old story on Facebook. Here you will get all the ways to view back dated Facebook stories created and posted by you.

No matter you are having Facebook Mobile or Desktop Version and whether you are an Android user or owning an iPhone, these methods go well irrespective of the platform and device you are using.  

So let’s go on to explore some easy steps to view old stories on Facebook (even after expiry of stipulated time of 24 hours).

About Facebook Stories:

Similar to Instagram, On Facebook too users can create and share stories with other fellow users. One Facebook Stories are nothing but a temporary form of content, it can be photos, videos, and posts. This user generated, bite-sized content is always a fun means to connect with friends and family or others. As a rule Stories appear for only 24 hours and disappear for your friends post this preset time, nevertheless you can still see stories posted by you in your archive.

How to View Your Old Facebook Stories in Archives:

By default stories created and posted by you on Facebook are visible just for 24 hours. But with “Archive” feature turned on you can continue to see all your Facebook stories, even on expiry of this time frame.

You can easily find and view the old stories created by you by heading to the Story Archives (provided in Archives Section) under the Settings. As per default setting, the story archive option is turned on, while if owing to some reason, your archive option gets switched to off mode, you can always have this option to turn it back on.

To view your Facebook Story archive, you are required to perform following steps:

Steps to View Old Stories via Facebook App Mobile:

  • Launch the Facebook App, once you land on the Home Page, tap your profile pic to open your profile.
  • Head to Profile Settings by clicking the 3 horizontal dots underneath profile pic.
  • Now select “Archive” from the list of available options.
  • On the next screen locate and tap on Story Archives.
  • Here you will get to see all the old stories displayed in a chronological order (from most recent to oldest).

Note: These steps will also help you to access the “Story Archives” section on the Facebook Lite App as well.

Steps to View Old Stories via Facebook Desktop:

  • Open Facebook and head to Facebook Home Page
  • Make a click on your profile pic to go on your Main Profile page
  • Once you are on the Profile Page, click on the “More” option
  • Select “Story Archives” option from the drop-down
  • Here you will get to see all the old stories displayed in a chronological order (from most recent to oldest).

This way you get to see old stories posted by you, but what if you want to view an old story from a Friend or Group. So let’s find it how by going through the next section of article given below.

How to View Old Stories of Friends on Facebook:

As compared to viewing your own old stories, having a view at an old story shared by Friend or Group is a lot complicated and tricky. As a matter of fact, the stories will be only visible to the contributor even if the user has turned on the Story Archives.

The only way out to see the disappeared Stories from friends is if they have saved Stories to their Highlights.

Whenever users create and share Stories on Facebbok, they are provided with an option to highlight the same using the star icon available at the right bottom. In case your Friend has highlighted any of stories posted the same will become visible on your friend’s profile. You can get to see it as Story Highlights below the Friends section and on top of create post option.

Note: For this feature to work, it is essential that, your Story Archive should be turned on and also, the Privacy Setting for the Story Highlights must be set to either public or friends by your friend. (The Privacy Setting can be edited by using the option provided at the bottom of the highlights section under “Edit Story Highlights”)

Summing Up:

If you wish to see old stories on Facebook, ensure that the “Story Archive” option is turned on; and if you do that then you can always have this luxury to Rewind, Revive and Rejoice those old Stories you have created and shared in past. Conversely, to see an old story from some friend, the only way possible is that your friend must have saved it on Highlights and let all friends to have an access of the same.

Read Also:

Does Facebook Notify While Someone Taking Screenshot of Story?

How to Delete Shared Photos on Facebook Messenger

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