How To Not Crop Profile Picture On Facebook: Easy Hacks and Tricks

Just like any other social media enthusiast you wish to have a picture perfect avatar for your social media profiles, including Facebook. If you are looking to set a particular image from your collection as Facebook Profile Picture but couldn’t get it rightly placed; this blog post will help you in getting your desired image featured on your Facebook Profile without cropping it. So continue reading forth to understand how to not crop profile picture on Facebook.

In addition, this article will also provide you handy tips and tricks to make things easier for you on Facebook – in relation to profile picture. So here you go:

About Profile Images on Facebook:

Facebook continually brings changes to its interface and surprises the users with numerous twists. But as far as Main Profile on Facebook is concerned it has two images that sits on for long, these are; the Profile Picture and the Cover Photo.

Profile Picture is the one displayed in circular shape while the Cover Photo is featured as a rectangular box lying behind your profile picture.

In order to have an eye catching look to your profile it is quite important to choose these two with due caution and consideration. You can boost the appeal factor of your Facebook profile by picking the right dimension and pixels for these two images.

As a matter of fact, you might have noticed that while you upload or change image as profile picture or cover it usually gets cropped. So you must know about the accurate size or dimensions for images to be used. The next section of the article given below will let you explore more on this.

What’s The Exact Size Of Facebook Profile Picture Size:

As you might be curious to know about what is the exact size of the Facebook Profile picture, here are dimensions in which the Profile picture gets displayed on different devices:

  • For Desktop / Laptop view – 180 by 180 pixels
  • For Mobile Phones (both Android and iOS) – 128 by 128 pixels

Note: It is to remember that above mentioned the size is only what is displayed on the device’s screen but not the size in which it is uploaded or stored in Facebook’s database.

Having said that another set of questions which may pop up in your mind is how Facebook’s Algorithm works while setting up a profile picture? and why does it get cropped? So let’s go on to find answers for these questions.

How Facebook Adjust Profile Pic:

As a matter of fact you can upload a picture of any size (with minimum width of 180 pixels) as your profile pic on Facebook. Though from the dimensions given above it seems pretty simple, but getting the right image size is also a puzzling task; for the reason that whenever you upload the Facebook Profile picture, it gets cropped to be saved in a default square shape. However you should know that while cropping the image Facebook will crop either the height or width (whichever is more) – to make it a square. For example, if image size is 640 (w) x 480 (h), then it gets cropped from its width to have the image in a square shape of 480(w) x 480(h).

Thus keeping this point in mind, you should try to pick a square picture with yourself in the centre so as to have a better look when the picture gets displayed on the screen. However there are quite a few easy hacks available for you to upload a profile picture without cropping it. So, let’s get to know about how to not crop profile picture on Facebook and upload it in full size (no cropping):

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How to Upload Facebook Profile Picture without Cropping:

These are the ways that help you with how to not crop profile picture on Facebook

  • Hack 1: Using the Facebook Classic Interface on Desktop.
  • Hack 2: Using Facebook Lite App
  • Hack 3: Using Facebook Mobile Version (

Let’s get into stepwise details subject to each of these hacks and tricks:

Hack 1: Using the Facebook Classic Interface on Desktop.

You can upload a Facebbok profile picture in full size with no cropping using Classic Facebook Interface with Skip Cropping Option. To do it that way, you are required to have the Classic Facebook Interface on your Desktop. It provides you with an in built option to “Skip Cropping” while uploading the Facebook Profile Picture. But unfortunately, this option is withdrawn by Facebook from the New Facebook Interface and is not operational for many users.

Although in its absentia, a few Facebook users have been using some of the third party Google Chrome extensions, such as “Switch to Classic design on Facebook” etc., which enables them to access Facebook Classic Interface. Still we won’t suggest you to use these extensions concerning the safety issues.

Thus you can go on to try either of the hacks given below.

Hack 2: Using Facebook Lite App

Another way to upload profile pic without cropping it is via Facebook Lite Mobile App. All you need to do is to upload the image of your choice as a post on your timeline and then use “Make it Profile Picture” option to get it as profile picture. You can take following steps into consideration for the same:

  • Launch Facebook Lite App on your mobile device.
  • Upload or post the image (which you want to have on your “Profile Picture”) on your timeline. You can preferably change the privacy settings to “Only Me” before posting as this is a provisional post and can be hide.
  • Now open the posted image in full view and click on the 3 vertical dots provided on top right of image.
  • An option called “Make Profile Picture” will now appear on the screen. Tap on it and confirm to get the image as your Profile Picture without any cropping.

Note: Regrettably, for some reason this option is unavailable on Main Facebook App. Additionally, Facebook Lite App is presently not accessible for iPhone users.

Hack 3: Using Facebook Mobile Version (

Quite similar to above this is one more method to stay away from cropping while uploading a Facebook Profile picture. This hack works equally well for both Android as well as iPhone Mobiles. Under mentioned are the steps to be followed:

  • Open your preferred web browser and navigate to 
  • Upload or post the image (which you want to have on your “Profile Picture”) on your timeline. You can preferably change the privacy settings to “Only Me” before posting as this is a provisional post and can be deleted later.
  • Now open the posted image in full view
  • An option called “Make Profile Picture” will now appear below the image. Tap it.
  • It will then ask if you want to Switch back to original profile picture after some time period. Make selection as per your preference. Selecting ‘Never’ means you don’t want to switch back.
  • As soon as you do that the full image is placed as the Profile Picture without any cropping.

Hope you find this article helpful. Do share it with your friends and family to help them to learn how to not crop profile picture on Facebook and upload Facebook profile picture without cropping.

Is it possible to not crop a picture when uploading profile pic on Facebook?

Yes! There are various apps and also some solutions that you can read in this article to not crop a picture on Profile pic of your Facebook account.

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