How to Unblock Yourself on Facebook and Messenger

Facebook is the leading virtual platform which facilitates users to meet people and keep a track of their routine lives. Although people nowadays are more cautious about cyber laws and do adhere by the required civic sense, still one can come across people who violate these norms. However, sometimes the situation gets so dreadful that it force the users to block people on Facebook. But what if someone has accidentally or mistakenly blocks you on Facebook or Messenger. This article will tell about how to unblock yourself on Facebook.

Blocking and Unblocking on Facebook and Messenger:

In order to stay safe from scammers, stalkers or other ill-minded people; Facebook allows its user either to block messages and calls from such persons (i.e.; Blocking on Messenger) or to completely cut off the contact by means of block on Facebook.

People are often puzzled between the two types of block and consider them similar, but there are few definite differences.  Let’s first get into it and find out the differences between being blocked on messenger and being blocked on Facebook.

If a person blocks you on Facebook, there is no possibility that you can see their Facebook profile. As a result of that you won’t be able to send messages and make calls to them. In addition to that you will also be unfriended from their friend’s list. On the other hand, if you are being blocked on Messenger, it will only restrict you to send messages and do calls, while you can still view their Facebook profile.

So now the question comes, is there any possibility of getting unblocked and what it takes to unblock yourself on Facebook? Continue reading to find out the answers to these questions.

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How to Unblock Yourself on Facebook Messenger?

To your misfortune the answer is in negative! No way…. There is no direct option available via which you can unblock yourself on Facebook. Thus, once blocked by someone on Facebook or Messenger, it is not directly possible for you to unblock yourself.

But don’t you worry there are some supplementary ways by which you can try to unblock yourself on Facebook or Messenger. Here we go…

Method 1: Unblock youself by requesting the person who blocked you:

As mentioned above, if someone has blocked you on the Messenger, you can’t either send messages to them nor can you be able to see their online status. So to ensure that you are being blocked, send a message to the said person, if the message doesn’t get delivered but you can view their profile on Facebook, it confirms that you are blocked. If this is the case try the solution mentioned below:

Well it may sound bit weird buy the first and only person who can help you to get yourself block is the same person who has blocked you. Thus, the prima facie step which you can take is to humbly send a request to the person asking them to unblock you. The by far is the easiest and the only practical way to be unblocked as the other person reserves all the control to unblock you.

Lucky you… If you ask for the favor and the person agrees to your request to unblock you all congratulations!!

But if this is not the case you are left with the second alternative way. Go ahead to try and perform easy steps given below to unblock yourself on Messenger.

Method 2: Unblock Yourself via Alternative Facebook Messenger Account

The last thing that you can try to unblock yourself is to get an alternative Facebook ID. As your former account is blocked by the person, you can sign-up for a new Facebook account to message or call the person. So don’t wait anymore, simply create a new account and approach the person to unblock yourself. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website site,
  • Click on Create New Account.
  • Now you see a pop up window with an option to Sign-Up.
  • Fill in all the required fields that include first name, surname, mobile number and a password. Once you have entered the details Click on Sign Up.
  • Confirm your sign up by entering the confirmation code in the box provided. (you will get the code on your mobile number or email)
  • As soon as you enter the code you will receive an email from Facebook.

This is it!!! Now head to Messenger App and log in with your new account to send a request message to the person, hoping that they respond in affirmation.

Concluding Note

To be honest, if someone has blocked you on Facebook then only the same person can unblock you. And you must also accept the reality that you will not be able to unblock yourself on Facebook directly. Though aforesaid alternative may help you find a way to communicate with the person who blocked you, but the ultimate decision rests with them and you can only hope for the best keeping your fingers crossed.

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