How To Automatically Delete Emails In Gmail? – Learn It Here

Gmail is undoubtedly the most well-liked email service used far and wide in the world. No matter what it is, users own Gmail account(s) for varied purposes, be it for person usage or work or educational uses. Having that said with time the inbox for many of us get flooded with countless spam, unnecessary emails and other large files which eats up a large portion of free storage space quota of allocated 15GB for our Google accounts.

Although, Gmail has an effective way to clear spam, and one can also easily get rid of large files by removing them with search filters. But one task that bothers you most is deleting hundreds of unwanted emails. So if you are looking for easy way of doing it, here’s how to automatically delete emails in Gmail.

Deleting your e-mails from Gmail:

We all wanted to have an organized mailbox, and work our level best to manage it that way. But despite of all hard efforts, you may recognize that you have several unwanted old emails. And as a matter of fact, deleting these emails manually takes a lot of time, but to help your cause Gmail has a faster option on hand. There is a way to delete multiple unwanted emails at once, subject to the condition that they must only come from a particular sender.

Gmail comes with a built-in feature that automatically delete emails which are needless and you don’t want to keep anymore. But for that sake, you have to set filters for Gmail auto-deletion feature. This feature is useful in case you identify a sender and are pretty sure that you don’t want further emails from them as it will automatically delete all emails coming your way from now on.

How to delete old Gmail email?

One must keep this habit of deleting unneeded mails so that the mails don’t get piled up. As all users are provided with a limit storage space and are required to pay a specified fee once you reach that allocated quota. So, to have that amount saved you must delete unwanted emails and files to free up your storage.

If you don’t want deleting emails to be a manual you can set the auto-deletion feature on Gmail. Here’s how to automatically delete Gmail emails:

To clean your inbox, all you will require is to head towards the search bar and then enter the name or email address, select the “All” tab provided on the top and finally hit the delete icon to remove hundreds of emails right away.

Following are the steps you must perform to automatically delete emails In Gmail:

  • Open your Gmail account on your PC, Laptop, Android or iOS device.
  • Navigate to the search bar and then tap on the filters icon. Note: If the icon is not visible, then you can find it in the settings section. There you have to find “Filters and blocked addresses” tab and then clicking on “Create a new filter” button.
  • Next, type the sender’s name in “From” written on top. (You can enter the name or email address of sender from whom you are getting the unwanted emails, say for example Facebook, Linkedin, Zomato, Quora and so on.)
  • Thereafter click on “Create filter” and then select “Delete it.”

That’s it.. Gmail will now automatically delete these mails from your inbox.

If you go on to select create filter again, then all future emails from that particular filter will be deleted automatically as well.

Summing Up:

Gmail is very useful email service provider but at times it becomes so troublesome when it brings in several unwanted emails. Quite a good number of these emails reach in your primary inbox instead of a spam. And in such situations, Gmail’s auto-deletion feature act as a great help for you. This article has covered how to automatically delete emails in Gmail to let you have a clean inbox by keeping away unwanted emails. Hope this will help you in managing your inbox. Wishing you an organized mailbox…

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