Does Your Name Relate Your Individuality?, Learn How To Change Name On Reddit

People usually name themselves on social sites after a celebrity name, a fictional character or TV artist. Though it seems cool in the beginning but after a while when trend shifts or the respective celeb’s popularity graph declines, the name starts sounding a bit weird or dumb. This raises the question as to how one can change name on reddit. If it is your concern too, team TechMirror is here to help you out.

Changing Reddit Username and Display Name:

You can find almost everything on Reddit. It has a community for possibly anything which you can think of. This social news aggregation platform let you share thoughts and content after you create an account on it. Having a Reddit account also allows you to up vote as well as down vote the content posted by other Redditors.

You have to be watchful while setting up a Reddit account and choosing your username and display name as most often you don’t wish to use anything which you didn’t want people to attribute with your individuality.

It must also be kept in mind that your Username on Reddit is enduring and not optional, however if you want to change it, there is no way to do so due to security reasons. While, if you wish to alter your Reddit Display name it can be changed in few seconds by practicing easy and simple steps.

Note: You can change your Display name any time as and when you wish to, on the contrary you can even choose not to have a Display name as well.

You can change your Display name on Reddit using below mentioned methods. Let’s begin to explore them!

Method 1: Changing Reddit Display Name via Desktop Browser:

The first and most common way to change your display name is by logging in to Reddit account through web site. Below method will help you do the same.

  • Step 1. Login to your Reddit account and look for a down icon beside your username on right side of the screen. Click it.
  • Step 2. Click User settings and head to profile tab. Here you will find the customize profile option.
  • Step 3. Enter the desired Display Name in Display name (optional) text box and Reddit will save it automatically.

Method 2: Changing Reddit Display Name in Android/iOS App

Reddit’s mobile app also allows you to change your Display name easily. Here’s how to do so:

  • Step 1. Open Reddit app on your android or iPhone and tap the profile avatar icon and select my profile.
  • Step 2. Tap edit, a new window will open
  • Step 3. Now just enter your new desired Display name and hit save button.

That’s it! Hope we helped you with changing your Display name on Reddit.

How to reset or delete Username on Reddit?

If you’re still wondering how you can reset your username on Reddit, well once again let me clarify that it is not possible. But you can always delete your account to let it go (this will result in losing all the karma points you’ve collected.)

If you have forgot your Reddit username, you can retrieve it easily from forgot option.

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