Twitter Block Checker: Easy Tool To Track Who Blocked You On Twitter

If you are unable to contact a person on Twitter and suspect that the person might have blocked you. Here’s an article to tell you everything you wanted to know about Twitter Block Checker and much more…

Twitter is surely among the preferred networking platforms to stay in touch with like-minded people. It is a perfect place to share information, views and opinions on trending topics and issue. Having said that, you never want to be blocked by a user on Twitter as it will restrict you from getting some really valuable information or connect with the said person.

So with no further delay, let’s learn everything you must know about being blocked by someone. Know who all have blocked you? What are the consequences of getting blocked? and so on…

How to know if someone blocks you on Twitter?


If you have doubt about being blocked by someone on Twitter there are obvious ways to check and verify it. To know if they really blocked you or not you just have to open the person’s Twitter profile. In case you are blocked, it will be displayed over there that the person has blocked you and the tweets and follow option of the respective person will no longer be available for you.

However it will work only if you know the person or have the username of that someone. But where you don’t know the user personally or didn’t have the username, then in such cases you need to go the other way round. You can download and install the ‘Twitter Block Tracker’ app and obtain the list of all the users who have blocked you on Twitter in just no time with only some clicks.

Does Twitter notify when someone blocks you?

No. Twitter doesn’t notify when someone blocks you. Twitter never provides any notification to its users in case they get blocked by some fellow Twitter users. It means when someone blocks you, you will not receive any sort of alert regarding the same.

However, there are certain options available by which you can know who have blocked you and can get the complete list of those people. You have to manually verify each profile separately for blocking you and from there on compile a complete list of user who has blocked you. Or else you can use Twitter block checker app to help you in this regard.

What happens if you are being blocked?

Blocking on Twitter is the special feature which allows users to restrict the people to have access to their profile. As per its procedure, Twitter has made it impossible for the blocked users to connect with the one who has blocked them. So if you are blocked by someone on Twitter, then by no means you can be able to communicate with them. Also you will not be able to follow the person and won’t get to see any of their tweets or posts.

Here are the consequences of getting blocked on Twitter:

  • You won’t be able to follow that person.
  • You can’t get to see their profile picture, view or read their tweets.
  • You won’t be allowed to tag them in your tweets.
  • You can’t send them direct messages.

How to check who blocked you on Twitter?

By far there is no direct method available for Twitter users to check for whom all have blocked them. Hence you have to perform it manually by going through the profiles of each person one by one to find out the people who have blocked you on Twitter.

All you need to do is to copy the profile link URL of the person whom you want check for and then open their profile. If the profile displays that the person blocked you then you can tell that they have blocked you. To see who blocked you on Twitter, you can follow the steps mentioned as under:

  • Launch Twitter app on your device and log into your account by entering the valid credentials.
  • Now go to the search box and look for the user you doubt who could have blocked you.
  • Visit their profile. If you are blocked then you won’t be able to view the profile and get a message saying ‘@username blocked you’ instead.
  • This clearly indicates that the person has blocked you and you will no longer be able to see their profile photo and tweets, as well as you won’t be able to follow them.

You need to repeat the above steps for all the users you think have blocked you and from there come out with a complete list of people who blocked you on Twitter.

As it will be quite a time-consuming and lengthy process for Twitter block checking, you can alternatively use Twitter Block Tracker app and have the list in just a few clicks. Here’s how the tool works…

Twitter Block Tracker: Tool to find out who blocked you on Twitter

Followers Analyzer for Twitter is an app meant for tracking the activities of users as well as their followers on Twitter. It enables you to:

  • Check the number of followers.
  • Check for people who recently unfollowed you.
  • Unlimited follow and unfollow directly from the app.
  • and much more!

The app is available on both Android and iOS store so you can use it on your Android device or on an iPhone to keep track of people and check growth of your Twitter account. Below we have added links to download the app.

Download on Play Store or Download on App Store

How to check for people you blocked on Twitter?

Conversely to aforesaid discussion if you want to have a list of people blocked by you on Twitter, the feature is readily available in the Twitter Settings.

Twitter block-list checker is a feature that enables you to see the list of the people you blocked on the platform restricting them from following you as well as viewing your tweets, and tagging you.

You can easily get the complete list of people blocked by you, using the Twitter block list checker. Just follow the steps given below and get to know the people blocked by you:

  • Launch Twitter on your device and log in to your account by entering valid credentials.
  • Go to your profile and then select ‘Settings and Privacy‘.
  • Now look for the ‘Blocked accounts’ and tap it. It will display a list of the Twitter accounts blocked by you.
Can I check who blocked me on Twitter?

Yes! There are several ways to check who has recently blocked you on micro-blogging platform twitter. You can do it by following the above mentioned methods written in this article.

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