Take Snapstreaks to the Next Level: Effectual Streaks Ideas for Snappers

Snapstreaks are one of the means to grab attention and catch eyes of fellow Snapchat users. Although quite a few people experience this feature as annoying, the majority of the Snappers get pleasure from it. If you are sailing on the same boat with those enjoying Snapstreak feature and looking at some crazy but effective ideas to raise your Snapstreaks, these Streaks Ideas would be of great assist. Here’s everything you need to know about maintaining longer Snapstreaks, as well as several tips to help you keep them going.

 About Snapchat Streaks:

Snapchat streaks also referred as Snapstreaks by Snappers are more similar to “Karma” for Redditors. Practically speaking Snapchat streaks don’t mean much outside the app and even on it as well. Streaks simply indicate how enthusiastic and devoted you are to the app, and how crazily you snap with your dear ones. Though seem a waste of time in the real world, Streaks give a sense of pride to active Snapchat users.

Basic Rules And Requisites For The Snapchat Streaks

Snapstreak is a commitment to share fun snaps between couple of Snapchat users. Snapstreak occurs when two Snappers (Snap chat friends) shares direct snaps (including photos or videos) to one another for three days in a row. Thus the rules are quite clear; both users must send no less than one snap to each other in a stipulated time of 24 hours.

To start with you must find an ideal person to maintain streaks. A ground principle is that you should make streaks with few people, instead of sending spans to everybody. Below are some important points to keep in mind about Snapchat Streaks.

  • When a “100” emoji appears, it means that you’ve reached 100 streaks with your friend.
  • When you get to see the “hourglass” icon, it indicates that you’re running short of time and must reply immediately to your friend with a snap so as to keep up your streak.

Besides that you must also note that there are lots of limitations related to the subject matter of streaks. To be more precise you should know that following interactions do not count towards your Snapstreak:

  • Chat: Sorry to say, Snapstreaks is all just about sending videos and photos; and chatting (text conversation) between you and your friend will not add up towards your Snapstreak.
  • Stories: Snapchat’s most popular and engaging feature is Snap story. It allows your followers to check for what adventures you’ve been up to, but these stories won’t be helping you to maintain a streak.
  • Memories: Snapchat Memories enable you to revive events from past and share them afresh. Unfortunately any memories shared with your friend will not be considered as a part of Snapstreak.
  • Snapchat Spectacles: Snapchat Spectacles are another buzzword and fun feature of the app, still it won’t be increasing your Snapstreak.
  • Group chats: Remember when it comes to Snapstreaks, snaps sent to group chats won’t do you any good. As to grow a streak you need to snap on an individual basis rather than sending it to groups.

Thus, in order to develop and uphold an elongated Snapchat streak, only two types of content will help. These include: sending a photo or video to a friend individually.

Note: Streaks won’t work with the images stored on your phone’s Gallery. You’ve to do it in real-time.

Now you have got an understanding about what amounts to Snapstreaks and what not. Let’s go on to look at a few ideas that should help you sustain your Snapstreaks for as long as possible.

How to Maintain Perfect Streaks? Easy and Best Snapchat Streaks Ideas

If you are the one who is running out of thoughts and don’t know how to make Snapchat streaks, then here are Snapchat Streaks ideas.

1. Find your Buddy: Focus on Someone you often Chat with

The best way to keep an extended streak is to have one with a person you often interact with. Almost certainly, if you start it on with someone you don’t usually relate well, then the person may get bored after a while and eventually stop responding to your snaps. As a result of which you may lose your streak.

2. Be Mindful of the Time: Pick a proper Time to send Snap        

Knowing when to send a snap so that you can take maximum advantage of the 24-hour time frame is pretty important. For instance, if you send a snap to your friend late in the night, then stipulated time of 24-hours will expire by and large at midnight and your friend may be asleep. And if they fail to respond both of you will lose the streak. Thus, it’s better to send snaps and keep your streak going during the Day time. It will also help you to take different Snaps.

You should discuss beforehand with your friend to pick a proper and convenient time which would work well for both of you.

3. No Fancy Pics Required: Use Blank Photos

You are not necessarily required to send high-quality and picture perfect snaps to keep the streak going. What you only need is to share an image, and your friend to reply with another snap. It can be done by simply taking a blank photo with some caption. You can even just caption it as “Streak”. As you are not to be judged by anyone sending similar sort of picture each day may result in increase of your Snapchat score. Hence, it has turned out to be one of the simplest and proven Snapchat streaks ideas.

4. Food is always Good: Make Streak with Daily Foods

If you find it hard to capture images with nature, be it people around everywhere. Instead of taking photos of random people, it is always a good choice to let your friend about what you are having for a lunch or dinner.  Just take snaps of your food and send them as streak to your friends. We all have different taste and preferences for food and it is always going to be interesting to let know and ask for the likes and dislikes by making streaks with every day food.

5. Explore the World around: Snap while Traveling

Another idea for Snapstreaks is to explore the little things while going to college or the workplace. You don’t need to be traveling at some tourist places or other destinations to take photos. You can simply go on to take pictures of different areas and regions which you visit in your day to day life. Capture those places in frames and send them to your friends as snaps.

6. Going an Extra Mile: Share your Snapchat QR in Other Social Medias

All right, if you have a great sense of humor and imaginative at the same time with your streaks, there is all possibilities that social media followers may appreciate it and would like to streak back. Nonetheless, if you don’t want to make a streak with strangers, you can overlook and drop this idea.


To sustain with a stretched Snapchat streaks, require some great, unique ideas. Hope the above mentioned Snapchat Streaks Ideas will let you serve the purpose. However, you need not have to spend a lot of time thinking about a perfect streak idea. It may come to you anytime, anywhere.

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