Oblivion Crash on Startup: Fix It Up With These Easy Solutions

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is certainly a delight for gamers and is greatly appreciated by users all around the world. But, regardless of the ever growing popularity of this game, users often reported about a common issue i.e.; having encountered the Oblivion Crash on Startup error.

If this is the case with you too and at any time while trying to launch the game, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion crashes on startup preventing you to land on the main screen of this game. There’s nothing to be panic about as we have complied this blog article where you can find ways to fix this problem with a range of easy solutions.

What Causes Oblivion Crashes on Startup?

Users get to see the Oblivion crashing on startup for many reasons and the causes resulting to this problem may change from case to case. However we have listed down several predominant ones for your information and understanding. These reasons behind the occurrence of Oblivion Crash on Startup error are as under:

  • Improper/ Incompatible application settings
  • Corrupted Save files
  • Too many in-game settings or the .ini files
  • Missing codec packs on your device
  • Incompatible background applications
  • Multiple monitors in gaming setup
  • A lot of installed Mods

Now let’s get straight to the solutions to be implemented for fixing the issue.

Fixing the Oblivion Crash on Startup:

Solution#1: Run the Game with Admin Privileges

Since the problem may be due to improper application settings. We recommend you run the app with Admin rights to overcome the problem and fix Oblivion crash on startup issue. Follow the steps below to run the game with admin privileges:

  • Thereafter make a right-click on the Steam app shortcut and then select “Properties”.
  • Now go to the “Compatibility” tab. Check the box provided next to “Run this program as an administrator” and then click on “OK”.
  • Repeat the same course of action to give administrative privileges to “Oblivion.exe” as well.

Now check for the problem and if it still persists, you can try your luck by changing the game’s executable name from “Oblivion.exe” to“OblivionLauncher.exe” fromthe game’s directory.

Solution#2: Run the game in Compatibility Mode

Another method that can help you to get rid of the Oblivion crashing on startup problem is running Oblivion in Compatibility mode. As the most compatible service be Windows XP (Service Pack 3) or Windows XP (Service Pack 2), to run Oblivion in compatibility mode we need to perform following steps:

  • Right-click the game shortcut provided on desktop and select “Properties”.
  • Go to the Compatibility tab. Here check the box provided next to “Run this program in compatibility mode for”. Now from the drop-down menu, select Windows XP (Service Pack 2), (Note: if Windows XP (Service Pack 2) doesn’t work well enough, then you must switch to Windows XP (Service Pack 3))
  • Next, click on “Apply” option followed by “OK” to save the changes.

Once you are done with this try to launch the game and see if the crashing issue is resolved or not.

Solution#3: Un-install & Reinstall Oblivion

  • Open run box by pressing “Windows key + I” and then search for “appwiz.cpl”.
  • Now make a right-click on “Oblivion” and then select “Uninstall”. This willuninstall the game completely from your computer system.
  • Once the process is done, open Steam client and navigate to the “Store” and get “Oblivion” downloaded again on system.

Now launch the Oblivion and check for the issue, whether resolved or still persists.

Solution#4: Delete the Oblivion Files from Your System

The next method on our list of solutions is to remove all saved files relating with the game from your device. To delete the saved Oblivion files you are required to follow the underlying steps:

  • Open the file explorer by pressing “Win + E” and then take thefollowing path:

Users > Your Account’s Name > Documents > My Games > Oblivion

  • This will take you to the desired location, here open the “Save” folder and then delete every file it contains.

Having deleted all the Oblivion files, open the game to check if it still crashes on startup?

Solution#5: Modify Oblivion.ini Configuration file

One of the ways to fix the Oblivion crash on startup is to modify Oblivion.ini configuration file using the below mentioned steps:

  • Open the file explorer using shortcut key combination “Win + E” and follow the path as:

Users > Your Account’s Name > Documents > My Games > Oblivion

  • Here right-click the “Oblivion.ini” file and select “Open with > Notepad” option that appears from the pop-up menu.
  • Now open the search box by pressing “Ctrl + F” and type “MusicEnabled”
  • Change the value of MusicEnabled from “1” to “0” and save the changes using “Ctrl + S”.
  • In the same way, go on to change the value of:

“bDSoundHWAcceleration”, “bSoundEnabled” and “bUseWaterShader”.

  • In addition to that, you can optionally change the value of 

“uInterior Cell Buffer” to “24” and “iPreloadSizeLimit” to “262144000”.

Save these changes and relaunch Oblivion and see if the crashing problem still rests or resolved.

Solution#6: Install a Codec Pack

Missing codec packs on your device could also be a reason for getting this problem, thus you can easily fix the issue by installing a Codec Pack. Following are the steps to do so:

  • Open your preferred browser and navigate to official website or click here to get the K-Lite Codec Pack downloaded.
  • Once it is done, double-click on downloaded file to install it and then follow the on-screen instructions.
  • After the installation process is complete, restart your computer and check for the problem.

Solution#7: Disable Unnecessary Background Applications

You should be able to resolve the problem by disabling the unwanted applications running in the background. To disable such unnecessary background applications you need to perform following steps:

  • Open the “Task Manager” using “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” and then go to the “Processes” tab.
  • Now identify and select all the unwanted application and processes and disable them one by one using the “End Task” button.

Solution#8: Disable Multiple Monitors/Screens

One reason behind the issue could be the use of multiple monitors/screens. It is recommended to use only a single monitor/screen to display the game.

To disable multiple screens, if integrated to your processor, press “Windows + P” during the startup and then selecting the PC screen only option from the list to get game’s interface. Additionally, set the video settings to Ultra High and select Native Resolution subject to the primary screen.

Solution#9: Check & Update Installed Mods

There is an obvious possibility that the installed Mods are not functioning accurately and hence you must ensure that all the installed Mods are updated and comply with other requirements. If you found any Mod which is out of place, go on to either update it or disable the same and check whether the game Oblivion crash on startup issue is fixed.

Hopefully you may be able to fix Oblivion crash on startup issue by applying the solutions mentioned above in the blog post and continue to enjoy the game.

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