Here is How to Remove Followers on Twitter in 2023

The micro blogging site Twitter is a great platform to express your feelings, ideas and opinions with others. Twitter is full of amazing people but some creeps are just everywhere! They might follow you, like and RT each of your tweets but at the same time they will annoy you. Like sending unusual stuff in your DM or commenting bad words on your tweets. If you’ve decided to remove such people from your followers list. Here is how to remove followers on twitter in 2023 with or without blocking them.

How to Remove Followers on Twitter Without Blocking?

Removing a follower without blocking them still allows the target person to visit your profile page and RT or like your tweets. But, your tweets won’t be appearing anymore in their timeline. Also just removing a follower without blocking would let them understand they’ve annoyed you and they might ask for your forgiveness.

It is easy to remove a follower but the only problem is you’ve to do it with a desktop browser as mobile app offers no such facility. Here is how to do it.

Step 1 : To remove a follower, go to your profile page on a desktop browser.

Step 2 : Click on Followers count. A list with all your followers will open.

Step 3 : Find the person you want to remove and hit the three dots next to their name. Now select Remove this follower from pop up menu.

That’s it! You’re done removing them. But, they can still refollow you if they want. If you want to get rid of them fully, read the next section of thig blog.

How to Remove a Followers on Twitter by Blocking Them

Go to the followers list by repeating the process in above section and instead of clicking the Remove this Follower, hit Block @TwitterUsername. Twitter will block that person after asking you to confirm your decision. When you click that red Block button, the target person won’t be able to contact you again.

This way you can get rid of them totally. Still, if in future you want to talk to the person, go to your block list and find the person you wishing to unblock. Then click the red Blocked Button on the right.

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