Does Snapchat Tell You When Someone Ignores Your Friend Request?

Everyone wants to create a good network and in this process, you might end up adding a lot of people on Snapchat. Some of them will add you back and some are just going to ignore your friend request. But, its human nature that we get curious about those who have ignored our request or haven’t added us. Is there a way to know if they have ignored your request? Does Snapchat Tell You When Someone Ignores Your Friend Request in 2023? Let’s find it out!

What happens when you add someone on Snapchat?

When you send someone an add request on Snapchat, they will see two options beside your profile: Accept or ignore! If they accept, everything is cool but if they ignore you, you just won’t be able to stay in contact with them. Also, the other party can choose to not accept decline or reject your request.

Does Snapchat Tell You When Someone Ignores Your Friend Request?

NO! Snapchat only lets you know when someone adds you back. But, if they ignore your friend request, you won’t receive a notification nor you will be able to find it easily. But don’t worry because here is how you can learn if someone has ignored your friend request on Snapchat.

If your friend request is ignored,

  • When someone ignores you, you can see a friends button on top right of the chat screen but this button just won’t work.
  • When you send them a message, it won’t get delivered.

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