Who Views Your Facebook Profile Not Friends: Easy Methods To Let Know

Few random people often have this habit of peeping into the personal space of others. And this habit of them even reflects on the social media when they try to encroach privacy and make an attempt to stalk profiles of people on different platforms. If you doubt a few individuals in this regard and want to know who views your Facebook profile not friends with you, here’s a must read for you.

Knowing who views your profile on Facebook:

Since Facebook’s algorithm is always a secret and one can never exactly say how order your friends-list on FB or Messenger and moreover there is no such feature which can let you know precisely about individuals visiting your profile. But your inquisitive mind keeps on questioning about who views your Facebook profile, not friends but also unfamiliar persons who shows a bit of interest thereto.

Hence, to put an end to such curiosity of yours, we have compiled a few workable methods which might be of great help for you in checking who have seen your Facebook profile. 

So with no ado, let’s explore these methods…

Find Out Who Viewed your Facebook Profile

If you want know about the individuals who viewed your Facebook profile whether be friends with you or not, then you must keep a close eye on your Facebook notifications. As per its algorithm, Facebook wants you to connect with people whom you know or at times it is the other way, I.e.; people who knows you and seems as if they somehow tries to approach you.

Having said that, there are quite obvious ways by which you can find out who viewed your Facebook profile. For that you have to keep a track of activities such as comments, likes, and shares from unknown people as well as the friend request you receives on FB. It is very likely that the one who send you the friend request might have viewed your profile as well.

Moreover, if you are looking for people who view your profile but are not friends with you, below mentioned methods may be helpful to find out those profile viewers. Here’s a briefing on each of these methods:

Method#1 Using Friend Suggestion

The first method to be considered is to check friends suggestion on your Facebook account. In case when you keep getting new friend suggestions every now and then, it might be because of the reason that those users just have viewed your profile or otherwise are stalking you on Facebook.

Since the Facebook’s algorithm works like that only which allows you to reach upto an unknown person who is somehow interested in your profile and possibly have looked for it on Facebook. At any time, if a person views your profile repeatedly to check for personal details and other updates, Facebook by default records these actions and within 48 hours you will receive a notification saying ‘You have a new friend suggestion: NAME’.

Thereafter when you tap on the notification, Facebook redirects you to the profile page of that person. Same thing may perhaps goes for other friend requests as well. This way you can know who views you Facebook profile.

Method#2 Using Timeline Recommendation

Another method that may work well is to note the Timeline recommendations. You might have noticed the fact that a few random profiles shows up on your timeline and these are the people who might probably looked at your profile.

Like mentioned in the above method Facebook algorithm is designed and set in a manner that it automatically works to connect two people based on their activities.

Thus when you sign in to your Facebook account and see people showing up on the timeline as recommendation ‘the people you might know’, these are possibly the ones who views your Facebook profile, not being friends to you.

Method#3 Using “Initialchatfriendslist”

There is another working method, called ‘Initial Chat Friends List’ method, which will help you discover people who have a looked at your profile. For applying this method to know who viewed your Facebook profile, you need to analyse the page source of your Facebook profile using these steps:

  • Open Chrome or Firefox web browser on your desktop
  • Navigate to official website of Facebook and log in with your valid credentials
  • Go to your profile page, and once landed there right-click on your mouse to get pop-up menu
  • From here, locate and click View Page Source.
  • The Page Source contains a lot of HTML text. Type CTRL + F or Command () + F depending on your keyboard.
  • Now type or copy-paste the code: “Initialchatfriendslist” in the search bar.
  • You will now get to see numerous numbers listed next to each other. These are nothing but profile IDs of your Facebook visitors who have viewed your profile page repeatedly.
  • Copy the number and paste them to www.facebook.com/10000xxxxxxxx. (Note: While copying the number, exclude -2 which is mentioned after each profile ID.)
  • Once you hit the Enter key, you will get to see the person who viewed your Facebook profile.

Repeat the last three points to check for all other codes you have found on Page Source to discover other users who viewed your profile on Facebook.

Method#4 Using Third-party Tools

There are always these third-party tools which are available at your disposal which claim to provide you the list of individuals visiting your Facebook profile. But we won’t suggest you to use any of them as these tools aren’t often safe and secure for use. Moreover, such tools in fact request for your account credentials and may thereby result into the ban or suspension of your account on Facebook.

That’s it. These are the ways by which you can discover profiles who views your Facebook profile not friends with you.

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