Is it possible to view Instagram stories anonymously? Here’s How!

Instagram, the well-liked media sharing app allows you to post stories, reels, photos as well as videos. With reels and stories being the most fascinating and popular features among many interesting offerings of the platform, posting and viewing Instagram stories is fairly easy. But how about watching them in secret? Is there any way by which you can view Instagram stories anonymously? Well, we have an answer for you.

This blog article will let you know about the option of viewing Instagram stories secretly. So don’t waste any time further and read through to know is it possible to view Instagram stories anonymously? If so, then how to make it happen; find an answer here…

Viewing Instagram stories anonymously

When it comes to viewing stories on Instagram, you must importantly note that the user who has posted and shared the story in all capacity can get to know and see the users who viewed it. Hence, it is not much of a problem but the tricky task is to view someone’s Instagram Stories anonymously.

In case you want to spy someone or otherwise; there may be a time when you don’t want the other person that you have seen their story. So is this really feasible and practical to view Instagram stories without letting the person who posted the story know about it.

Well the answer is Yes, you can do so. There are workarounds you make it happen. Though there are not many methods available, but you can surely view an Instagram story anonymously. Here’s how to have a go at it.

How to view story anonymously on Instagram?

There are some unusual ways by which you can go about viewing Instagram stories without letting the one who posted them know it was you. Thus you can see the story and still be anonymous for the person.

First and foremost, you can view Instagram Stories anonymously with the help of an unidentifiable account. If you don’t have one then you can try it by turning your phone’s airplane mode on. Beside that you can even use one or the other third-party sites and apps.

Though these hacks will yield varying results and have a different success rate associated to them, yet one thing is quite common to all of them. These methods will only work for public accounts.

Let’s continue reading the section below to know about these ways in detail.

Methods to view Instagram stories anonymously

Method#1: Use an anonymous Instagram account

By far the best possible way to view someone’s Instagram stories anonymously is to make a use of an account that is not identifiable as you.

All you need to do is to create an alternate account. Just sign up for a new account before adding it to your app and head to the person’s profile to view the story they have posted. If you already have another account set up, you can simply add that account and switch between the two if you wish to view someone’s Instagram Stories without letting them know about it.

However, this method will not work if the other person has set their account as locked or private. 

Method#2: Turn on airplane mode

Another hack you can try to view someone’s Instagram story anonymously is via airplane mode. To apply this method you first have to make sure that airplane mode on your mobile. Once enabled the airplane mode on, just make a tap on the story you want to view.

For the reason that Instagram by design preloads some stories to enable instantaneous viewing even when there’s no availability of a Wi-Fi or internet connection, you can view one without being seen.

Here’s how to use it.

Launch Instagram app and go to your account profile in the Instagram app. Now enable airplane mode on your device, after enabling it, get back to the app and then tap on the story posted by the user.

Note: This method will not work in a situation where the user has posted several stories in sequence, as the app probably won’t preload them all at once and thus they won’t be available for viewing while you turn on the airplane mode.

Method#3: Use a third-party app or site

Apart from the above mentioned methods, you can also view Instagram Stories anonymously by using third-party apps and websites. There are hell number of such applications and sites claiming to let you see stories without being noticed by the one who posted them. Though a few of them (like the website InstaStories  and app InStory, Story Saver for Instagram)work well, but we won’t recommend you to use them as most of these tools can be unreliable and may not be secure.

Even if you want to use then you have to use them at your own risk!

Note: The methods mentioned above will only work for public accounts. However, if case of accounts set as private, you won’t be able to view stories anonymously.

That’s all we have to share with you in this regard. Hope you have successfully learned about how to view Instagram stories anonymously.

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