Remove a Remembered Account on Instagram: A Comprehensive Guide

Usually logging out from an app results in removing the account information for most of the applications, as once you log out the app forgets the login data and needs you to enter the username and password while you try to access it next time. However this is not true for Instagram. To make it convenient for its users to switch between accounts, Instagram will remember your login credentials to access your desired account with a single tap without entering the username and password.

While the feature is for saving time but at the same time there are obvious security concerns as anyone can get an access to your account if the device landed in wrong hands. Hence it calls for you to learn about how to remove a remembered account on Instagram. This comprehensive guide will help you in this regard.

Remembered Account on Instagram:

As per the default Instagram setting, the app will remember account details on your device to make it easy and hassle-free for you to access your account and switch from one account to another by just taping on your account saved and reflected on the login tab.

However, at times you would like to remove a particular or a few of your remembered accounts from the list of accounts saved thereon. Below are the methods which can enable you to remove a remembered account from the Instagram on Android, iPhone as well as PC.

Remove a Remembered Account on Instagram from Android

If you are an Android user and have saved login details of certain Instagram accounts on your device, then you remove the saved account manually from the app.

To remove a remembered account on Instagram from your Android phone, you must perform the steps given below:

  • Launch Instagram on your Android phone and log in to your account.
  • Tap on your profile photo provided at the bottom right corner.
  • Next tap on the three horizontal lines provided on the top right to open ‘Settings’.
  • Now scroll down to locate ‘Logout’ and tap it.
  • Once you tap on Logout a pop up will appear on the screen asking you to ‘Log out of Instagram’ with ‘Remember my Login info’ option. Just un-tick the ‘Remember my Login info’ and continue with the logout process by tapping ‘Log Out’.

This will let you to successfully logged out of your Instagram account and redirect you to the Login page of the app. Here you are required to undertake following steps:

  • Tap on the three vertical dots provided next to your account name.
  • Once again another pop-up will appear on screen for seeking confirmation to ‘Remove Account‘. Tap on ‘Remove’ to confirm.

This way you can remove a remembered account on Instagram from your Android mobile device. Alternatively you can also manage to get the task done by logging out of your Facebook account on the same device. Here’s how…

Logging out of your Facebook account

As one of the option to log in to your Instagram is using your Facebook account, logging out of your Facebook account will help you to remove remembered Instagram accounts on your Android phone: This can be done using the steps mentioned as under:

  • Open the Facebook app on your phone.
  • Then tap the three horizontal lines provided on the top right corner.
  • Scroll down to locate ‘Logout’. Tap it.
  • Next to that go to your Instagram account on the same device, here you will get to see that the remembered account on Instagram has been removed. If you wish to log in again, you can do so afresh.

Remove a Remembered Account on Instagram from iPhone

If you own an iPhone, you must know that the Instagram app for iOS devices has a default feature to save login information. And you need to disable the ‘Saved Login information’ feature on your iPhone Instagram app which in turn will remove a remembered account.

You need to undertake these steps to disable the ‘Saved Login information’ on your iPhone Instagram app:

  • Launch Instagram on your iPhone and open your account.
  • Navigate to your Instagram profile and then tap the three horizontal lines provided at the top right corner.
  • Go to ‘Settings’ and then select ‘Security’.
  • Here underneath the ‘Login security’ option, locate and tap ‘Saved Login information’.
  • Now to disable the ‘Saved Login information’, toggle the button provided next to it.
  • Having done that, a pop-up will appear on the screen asking for the ‘Remove saved login info’ option. Tap on ‘Remove’ to confirm.
  • Head back to the main ‘Settings’ page to find ‘Logout’ and then tap on it.
  • Yet again a pop-up will appear to ask you for ‘Remember login info’. Tap on ‘Not now’ and continue further.
  • To finish the process, tap on the ‘Logout’.

That’s all you have to do for removing a remembered Instagram account on your iPhone.

Remove a Remembered Account on Instagram from PC

Having discussed the methods for removing a remembered IG account on Android as well as iPhone, let’s now get to know how to do it on your computer.

Following are the steps you have to perform if you wish to remove a remembered Instagram account from your PC.

  • Open your preferred browser on your personal computer.
  • Navigate to the Instagram Login page.
  • You will get to see your previously remembered account on the login tab. Click on the one to log in to your account.
  • Once you are at the login page, a list of accounts opened using the browser will be displayed.
  • Look for ‘Manage Accounts’ option and click it.
  • This will now display the cross sign next to all the accounts you have used earlier.
  • To remove a particular remembered Insta account from your PC, just click the cross sign ahead of it.

And that’s how you can remove a remembered account on Instagram from your personal computer.

Remove all remembered accounts from the Instagram app at once:

If you want to remove all the accounts saved on your Instagram app at once, you can simply get it done by clearing the cache data. To remove all accounts from Instagram, you must practice these steps:

  • Head to the ‘Settings’ section on your device.
  • Then tap on ‘Apps’.
  • Now scroll down the options to find ‘Instagram’ and then tap it.
  • Here tap on the ‘Storage and cache’ followed by ‘Clear storage’ and ‘Clear Cache’ option.

This is how you can remove all remembered Instagram accounts from your phone.

Prevent login for a Remembered account on Instagram

If you have log in to your account on a device you no longer have an access to, it is advised that you must change the password for your said account to prevent further login on that particular device and to remove the account remembered there on. For changing the password on Instagram and prevent login to remembered account here are the steps to be performed:

  • Launch Instagram on your Android phone and open your account.
  • Now tap on your profile photo provided at the bottom right corner.
  • Then tap the three horizontal lines provided at the top right corner to enter ‘Settings’.
  • Tap on ‘Security’ and thereafter look for ‘Password’ option underneath Login security section.
  • Tap on Password to change your current Instagram account password. Just you need to enter the current password followed by the new password.
  • After that tap on the ‘✓’ symbol provided at the top right corner.

That’s it. You have successfully changed the password and remove a remembered account on Instagram.

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