[2023] Here is How to Find Underground Music

The age of internet has made so many things better and easy to find. There are millions of websites dedicated to almost every topic you’re looking for. Be it games, movies, reviews, health or music you can find anything you want over this world wide web. If you’re a music lover, you might already have listened to every single popular track on internet. But people like me prefer to have a secret playlist. I really don’t like when someone tells my favorite song is their favorite too! That’s why I usually listen to underground music. In this post, I will tell you what is it and how to find underground music in 2023.

What is Underground Music?

Well, if you’ve come to this post looking for where to find underground music, you may already know what it is. But, for other readers, let me explain.. Underground music is music recorded individually. It doesn’t belong to any large record labels. So, you can not find this songs on radio, tv or at music stores. The artists of these songs usually upload their music to different websites and share them with their fan base.

How to Find Underground Music?

YouTube is also a platform where you can listen to unpopular artists but finding them is really really tough! But worry not because today I will tell you the best websites to find underground music in 2023.

1. Soundcloud

The Swedish founded Soundcloud is #1 choice of music lovers because it is a platform that allows users to upload, promote and share audio. Soundcloud isn’t only about popular music but it is a home to underground music and podcasts. Multiple users have made their playlists public where you can find underground music and you can also check this link for underground tracks.

2. Mixcloud

If you’re a mixtape lover, Mixcloud could become one of your favorite audio streaming platform. It provides collection of DJ mixes from both popular and underground artists. Mainly you will find electronic music on Mixcloud but the platform also offers music from every genre.

3. Spotify’s Serendipity Map

If your question is how to find underground music on Spotify? The best answer to it is “Serendipity Map” of Spotify. It is a world map that shows when two users are listening to same song at the same time in the last hour. This is really a great tool to find different music from all around the world and surely will help you find your new favorite track.

4. Every Noise at Once

Well, this one is my favorite! Every Noise is a website that offers 1200+ music genres. From Desi Hip-Hop to Celtic punk, you can find each and every genre scattered across its home page. It is well organized. “Down is more organic, up is more mechanical and electric, left is denser and more atmospheric, right is spikier and bouncier,” said creator Glenn McDonald, according to CNET. When you click on any genre, you will get to listen to a 30-sec sample from Spotify. You will find playlists, list of all songs from around the world at one place. In short, Every Noise a platform that gives you demo of a song.

5. Hype Machine

Looking for some popular tracks but don’t want to waste a lot of time just browsing the internet? Well, Hype Machine is best for that. All you need to do is open the website and it will display popular music from all around the world.

6. Bandcamp

Bandcamp is a platform that allows fans to buy music directly from independent artists. Also you can listen to artists from many genres. It is a good platform for music discovery as it offers fan spotlights, featured artists and artist-recommended sections.

How do you find underground music in 2023?

There are multiple sites where you can find the underground music from various artist. Here is a list of such websites that you would love in 2023.

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