Facebook Account Locked? Here are Proven Ways To Get It Unlock in 2023

Not able to log in to Facebook with a “Your Account is Temporarily Locked” error popping up every time you try logging in to your account. Beware, this is a security alert to you from Facebook stating that that your account has been hacked or compromised. Still in most of the cases, you might get the said error by mistake. So, if you are sure of not using any phishing website or other deceptive third party tools, you can easily get your account unlock by following the on-screen instructions and entering the security code provided thereon. Alternatively there are other proven ways to help you if your Facebook account is locked.

This blog post will make you understand why “Your Account is Temporarily Locked” error occurs on Facebook, and how to fix the Facebook Account Locked issue using simple steps.

Reason behind your Facebook account locked?

The main reason behind getting locked out of Facebook is the detection of some suspicious activity subject to your account. This could be because of the fact that you may have submitted your Facebook account credentials on a phishing or fake website which appears similar to Facebook or even on a third-party tool.

As a precautionary method, in such situation Facebook immediately lock your account owing to a foreseen security threat. However in some other cases, your account may be locked mistakenly.

Whatever it may be the reason of you being locked out on Facebook, following are the fix that can help you to get rid of this problem.

How to Fix “Your Account is Temporarily Locked” on Facebook

To fix “Your Account is Temporarily Locked” on Facebook, you need to either submit the “Report a login issue” form. Alternatively, you can submit the “Security checks preventing login” and the “Confirm your identity with Facebook” form.

These forms allow you to contact Facebook directly to restore your account. After you’ve submitted a form, Facebook will contact you via the email address that you’ve provided. You’ll typically receive a response from them in 1 to 5 business days. At times, you need to wait for a longer time for their response. This is because Facebook receives an excessive number of reports daily, so they might take a while to get to yours.

Below are the three forms that you can use to contact Facebook for assistance in unlocking your account.

Fix 1 – Submitting Report a login issue Form

If you are unable to log into Facebook due to Facebook account locked problem, the first way by which you can get it fixed is by submitting the “Report a Login Issue” form. Below is a stepwise procedure to get the job done.

  • To initiate the process, navigate to the link; “Report a Login Issue” to get the form.
  • After landing on the form, ensure to provide a working email address so thatFacebook can revert you back on it.
  • Then give a detailed description of the problem which you are facing.
  • Under the “Description of issue” field, note to mention that your Facebook account is locked mistakenly and it is not being compromised. A sample example is like, “Hi Facebook, My account has been locked by mistake. Kindly do the needful in getting it unlock”
  • If you wish to upload a screenshot of the error then there is an option available for it as well.
  • To finish with the process, go on to tap on “Send”and then wait for Facebook to respond. It will usually take 1 to 5 business days subject to total number of submissions Facebook support team has on hands.

Fix 2 – Submitting Security checks preventing login Form

The second way to resolve the issue is submitting the “Security checks preventing login” form. Whenever you are not able to log on to Facebook owing to some security checks, for instance, if you’re not getting a security code to unlock your Facebook profile, you can use this fix. In order to submit the Security checks preventing login form for seeking assistance from Facebook, following steps are to be performed:

  • Navigate to the form, by using the link “Security checks preventing login” .
  • After getting on to the form, you must enter a working email address on whichFacebook can respond to you after they review your submission.
  • Then, add a brief description of your problem, here it would mostly be the security code not receiving. A sample example is like, “Hi Facebook, My account has been locked by mistake. Further I’m not getting a security code to unlock it. Kindly help me to get my account unlocked”
  • Finally, make a tap on “Send”and then wait for a few days for Facebook to reply.

Fix 3 – Confirming your identity with Facebook

Another proven way to fix the issue on hand is using the “Confirm your identity with Facebook” form. For proving your point that you own the locked Facebook account it is mandatory on your part to verify your identity with Facebook. And to do so you are required to submit this form to contact Facebook for support in unlocking your account. Below are the steps to be taken in case to want to fix Facebook account locked issue:

  • First of all, navigate to the link; “Confirm your identity with Facebook”.
  • Once you land on the form, you are then required to send a photo of your ID.
  • Take a photo of your ID and send it to your computer via email, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
  • For this purpose you have to tap on “Choose Files” and then attach the photo of your ID (stored/transferred on your device).
  • Enter your registered email address or phone number (the one associated with your Facebook account).
  • Last of all, tap on “Send” to submit your form and wait till Facebook respond you in next few days with the actions to unlock your account.

How long is Facebook temporarily locked?

In case you are locked out of Facebook and repeatedly getting “Your Account is Temporarily Locked” error; this temporary Facebook lock usually prevails for time period of 24 to 48 hours, once you successfullycomplete the on-screen instructions to unlock via security code.

On the other hand, if you didn’t get a security code, you are left with the option of reaching Facebook for supplementary support using the aforesaid methods. If you fail to do so then your Facebook account might be locked forever.


You are likely to get Facebook account locked when you use some unauthorized third-party app or tool. Conversely, such temporary lock may be erroneously put in place by Facebook. In either cases when you’re locked out of your Facebook account, you can use above discussed fix to resolve “Your Account is Temporarily Locked” issue on Facebook.


Can a locked Facebook account be unlocked?

Yes! If you ever get locked on Facebook, you can get the account unlocked by proving your identity to Facebook.

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