Blocking Someone on Reddit: Simple Steps

Reddit, the news aggregation social platform, allows its users to share ideas, thoughts and other content. After certain issues relating to harassment, mostly via private messaging, Reddit has included a function called Block. This feature lets Redditors to restrict such nuisances by an unwanted user. If you have no idea about how you can use this function for blocking someone on Reddit; this article will help you understand how to block and/or unblock another user on Reddit. So here we go…

Blocking Someone on Reddit:

In 2016, Reddit launched block function to its users. It routinely hides all attempts of particular user from your view. In other words, by blocking someone you can only stop seeing the content from that particular Redditor, but you cannot hide your own content from them.

Although this function can’t prevent blocked users from having view of your activities, but you no longer get to be bothered that such things are happening. Nevertheless, as an exception to this, if you are Mod (moderator) or/and Admin (administrator) of some subreddit you can still be seeing posts from blocked users within that subreddit, while their other posts outside subreddit will be hidden.

Regrettably, that way the block function on Reddit remains partial. But with no other option left, when you are continuously getting unwanted contact from specific Reddit user, you must go on to use this function. To do so you can use either of the method listed below:

Method 1: Blocking a Redditor via the Desktop Browser

  • Navigate to official Reddit website
  • Log into your Reddit account by entering valid credentials.
  • On the homepage, find the small envelope icon provided at the top right corner of the screen.
  • This will route you to the message section.
  • Select an interaction between you and the user whom you want to block.
  • Now click on the ‘block user’ option provided below the messages.
  • A small confirmation window will pop up on your screen, Click the ‘yes’ option to block the user.

Note: it is to be noted that you can only block users who have already contacted you by one way or the other (be it via messages, comments, mentions, or so on).

Alternatively, if the person you want to block is on your chat list, you can just open the chat window and press on the settings wheel next to the user’s name. A popup window will appear on the screen with an option to block that user. Click on this to block the user.

Method 2: Blocking a Redditor via the Mobile App

Reddit mobile app doesn’t allow blocking someone directly from the messaging window. On the contrary you can block someone from the chat list. This can be done by following under mentioned steps:

  • Launch the Reddit app on your device.
  • Go to the chat log and click on the wheel button provided at the top right screen.
  • From the chat list which will appear, look for the person you want to block and click on it.
  • Another window will now pop up on the screen, click on the Block option and confirm.

Alternatively, you can also block a person by directly accessing their profile. To do so you are required to head to the Reddit profile of person whom you want to block, tap on the three dots icon at the top right corner. Select the Block User option and confirm by clicking further when popup window asks for it.

Unblocking Someone on Reddit:

Unblocking someone whom you’ve blocked previously on Reddit, is somewhat different subject to the platform you are using. Here is a briefing of it:

  • If you are using the iOS or Android app to unblock someone on Reddit, go to your Settings and then tap on your username provided under Account Settings. Now tap on the Manage blocked accounts option under Blocking and Permissions section. Look for the person you want to unblock and then tap Unblock.
  • On the other hand, if you are working it through the web, go to Safety & Privacy in your User Settings. Look for the username of the person you want to unblock and click on the Remove button to unblock the user.

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