Action Blocked on Instagram? Here’s the reasons behind and solutions to fix it…

Are you an ardent Instagram user who can’t get away too long without surfing or being active on your account? If you are among the one who restlessly share a story, make a post alongside blindly or impatiently keep on following, liking, commenting, or direct messaging people, this might have resulted in you’ve been ‘action blocked’ by Instagram. There is all possibility that ‘you’re temporarily blocked’ on Instagram for violating their guidelines.

While trying to like a picture or making a comment on an image, if the message appears on your screen saying, “This action was blocked. Please try again later. We restrict certain content and actions to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake” is a sure sign that your actions are blocked from Instagram. Here’s what you need to know about the Action Blocked on Instagram, the likely reasons that results in instagram blocking user’s account and the remedial actions to fix the problem and restore normalcy.

What exactly is “Action Blocked” on Instagram ?

To everyone’s surprise “Action Blocked” appears suddenly, without being warned, and restricts user to perform actions such as follow, like, or comment on Instagram posts.

Action block is done by Instagram’s anti-spam algorithm which continually keeps a check on automated, spam-like actions and distinguishes them from human efforts. Once being temporarily blocked, a user can’t comment on stories, like them, or follow or unfollow people on Instagram. And it will continue to be action blocked until Instagram agrees to unblock.

Source : Tenor

Why Instagram block users’ account from action?

If you’ve been banned from using Instagram, it’s because you used a feature too many times in a short period of time, exceeding the unwritten limits of Instagram activity. This indicates that you liked way too many pictures in a single hour or during the day.

Instagram is quite strict and stiff in many ways; particularly when it comes to spamming (i.e. creating useless information, bothering fellow users, or even creating fake accounts). Probably the app’s algorithm at times may misjudge users as a bot and therefore Instagram takes the disheartening step of temporarily banning their account from completing action.

Some of the top reasons why a user’s action is blocked on Instagram are:

  • liked way too many posts recently.
  • made so many or similar comments quite frequently.
  • followed or unfollowed far too many accounts in a short period of time.
  • offered a link between your account and a third-party provider.
  • sent direct messages to many accounts recently.
  • used a bot to automate liking, following/unfollowing, or commenting, story viewing.

Note: If a user hasn’t performed any of above mentioned action and is still being blocked, then he/she must contact Instagram and tell that they’ve blocked actions by mistake.

How to fix Action Blocked on Instagram?

Whenever Instagram blocks a user, it may take upto 3 hours to even 4 weeks to get rid of the problem. By applying certain ways users can fix the issue and restore the account. If you’re blocked on Instagram, the first thing you can do is take a screenshot of your “Try Again Later” post. The type of message determines which fix works best to unblock your Instagram. Also, make a note of the date and time you were blocked. Thereafter try hands on underlying fix to resolve the issue:

  • Tap “Tell Us” on the action block error to report the problem right away. You can also go to “Settings,” “Help,” and “Report a Problem.” Well, do not expect a response from Instagram, but taking this action will be useful in demonstrating to the app that you are not a robot.
  • Any third-party applications should be uninstalled or disconnected from your account as Instagram is attempting to limit the use of third-party applications. These may be apps that allow you to follow or unfollow others or simply apps that allow you to see who has unfollowed you.
  • Try to avoid using the Wi-Fi link and instead rely on mobile data. Your IP address may have been blocked by Instagram, but you can still use your account on mobile data.
  • Try logging in on mobile data with a different computer. Instagram may have disabled your device, but you can still use your account on another device, similar to the previous point.
  • Log out of Instagram and then log back in.
  • Uninstall the app and then reinstall it.
  • Since Instagram suspects you of being a bot, you’ll need to prove your identity by connecting to another social media site, such as your Facebook account. As a result of this, there’s a good chance that Instagram will unblock you within the next 24 hours.

We have mentioned all possible reasons behind the account being blocked by Instagram as well as tried to share feasible solutions to get back the account unblocked. We wish that with a proper and cautious choice of activities to will keep your Instagram account safe from such punishments.

Hoping a smooth functioning with a stable and secure growth of your account on Instagram!!

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