Is it really possible to know “Who saved your Instagram post?”

Instagram is literary a reservoir where one can get to see a vast collection of photos and videos. Millions of users keep posting their content on the platform and hence every millisecond you have a new content to watch. Some of these posts appeal you so much that you want to get it saved even to watch it over and again, share with others and so on. Similarly, this could also be a case for stuff posted on your Instagram profile and if you want to know who saved your Instagram post, here’s an answer for you.

How to know who saved your Instagram post?

No matter what type of account you own on Instagram, your posts and pictures can be easily be saved by others. And having that said, as Instagram user you are always quite eager to know that is it possible to check who saved your Instagram posts?

Well sorry to say but the answer to this question is a big No.  There is no direct one-button option available to know who saved your Instagram posts. However, there is a feature called Instagram Insights which let you see who has saved your posts.

Though you normally won’t have any idea about who has saved your post on Instagram but there is an obvious way by which you can know the number count of people who saved your post or photo.

This is possible with the help of advanced insight feature of Instagram account. However, in order to make use of this feature, you must have a business or professional account. If you want to avail this feature you need to switch your personal profile to a business account.

Here are the steps to access Instgram Insights:

  • Launch Instagram on your device and log in to your account.
  • Now open Settings on your profile and then tap on the Account option.
  • Select the type of account to which you want to change it; you can either opt for a business or Creator one.
  • Once you are done with the switching of account, go to the bottom right to view your profile. Here you can check your posts.
  • Just tap on the post for knowing the total save count.
  • After the post is loaded on the screen, click the option View Insight and you will see the count appearing underneath the said post.

That’s it. You have just learned to check the advanced insight into your post. A bookmark icon provided here shows the number count, i.e.; the total number of times your post has been saved by your followers on Instagram.

Again, you must remember that by no means you would be able to see who saved your Instagram post. You can only know how many times your post is saved by someone but you will never identify who it was.

Still if you want to know who saved your Instagram post you can have a direct approach by asking your followers that whether they have saved the post. Here’s how to have a go at this:

  • To begin with, take a screenshot of the post about which you want to ask the question.
  • Now go Your Story, create a story with that screenshot and add a question inside the story.
  • This way you can ask your followers about it and with the answers you get in the reply to your story you can get to know who saved your post.

Note: While this is the only likely way to put an end to your curiosity, you must note that everyone who might have saved you post will not accept it.

But, what if you want to save a post from other user? Here’s the way to do so…

How you can save Instagram posts?

If you have no idea about how to save someone’s content that mesmerizes you, here’s what you need to do to save it to your collection.

  • First of all, locate the bookmark icon on the right-hand side at the bottom of the Instagram post that you want to save.
  • Now just tap on the icon and the post will automatically get saved to your collection.
  • That’s it. You can now see the saved posts in the collection from your profile.

Additionally, if you wish to save the post to some specific collection, then you need to perform an extra step.

For saving the post to a specific collection you are required to tap and hold onto the bookmark icon provided under the post for a second or two until a pop-up will appear. Here you can either get the option to create a new collection or else you will be able to save this post to an existing collection.

Now, let’s know how and from where you will get to see your saved posts on Instagram. Here’s the detail on that:

  • Launch Instagram on your device and log in to your account.
  • Now tap the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) provided at the top right corner of the screen.
  • On the drop-down menu locate and tap Saved.
  • That all you have to do to, as you can see your collections.

Does Instagram notify when someone save a post?

Instagram gives utmost importance to user’s privacy. The identity of user is always kept confidential and no details are shared when someone saves a post on Instagram.

When you save someone’s post or on the other hand if someone save yours, in either case the app does not send any sort of alert notification to let the creator of content know about the activity of the post being saved.


As discussed above, there is no possibility to know about the people who saved your Instagram post. Since the platform has strict privacy policy and specific rules on this, Instagram will never notify you about who has saved your post, nor by any means possible can you do it yourself.

If you are still confused and thinking about to download any third-party application, keep in mind that there is no solution for this and you’ll fall prey for their scams. So, we request you not to install any such apps or blogs.

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