What Happens to Your Snapchat When You Die?

Almost every teenager can be found using Snapchat nowadays. It is one of the greatest picture sharing platform. You share the memories, they remain with the receiver only for the time you want them to be. You can chat using photos on Snapchat. There are also so many filters and effects to make your photographs even better. There are two types of people on Instagram. First type is maintaining the streaks while other type is only capturing photos in filters provided by Snapchat. Apart from these, there are many creators sharing content on Snapchat for public. Do you ever wonder what Snapchat does to your profile when you are dead? Or What Happens to Your Snapchat When You Die? Today we will tell you everything about it.

What Happens to Your Snapchat When You Die?

When a person dies, their Snapchat account will remain active as long as someone do not provide Snapchat support with a death certificate of the person. Also, Snapchat won’t provide any person the access of someone’s account. For example, a celebrity died and their family wants to manage the account, snapchat won’t help with that! So, if you want your account to be used even after you’re not in this world, you have to share the credentials with the person you want your account to be managed.

“According to the site’s “Contact Us” page, Snapchat states, “We are so sorry for your loss. We would like to assist you in any way possible.” The policy does not allow an individual to obtain account access, but Snapchat will delete the account of the deceased upon a death certificate being presented. If you wanted to have someone manage your account on your behalf, you would need to provide them with your login credentials.”

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