[2023] What Happens If I Disable My Instagram Account?

Instagram is one of the most popular way of staying connected among youngsters. Nowadays everyone is hopping on IG and sharing their memories. After the arrival of reels, it is also getting attention from people of all ages. There are many content creators and celebs that you can follow and stay updated with. In short we can say there is almost everything that can keep you scrolling the feed of Instagram. But, sometimes you may want to take a break from it or maybe you want to stop using it and focus on something else. If this is your case you might be wondering How Long Can I Keep My Instagram Account Deactivated For and What Happens If I Disable My Instagram Account? Well, here we are to answer this question for you.

What Happens If I Disable My Instagram Account?

When you disable your IG account, the below things will happen with your account.

Your account disappears

When you disable your Instagram account, it will be removed from the database of live accounts on the platform. Your account will disappear totally and nobody can find it over the internet or on Instagram. Your profile just gets vanished from IG.

Likes, Mentions and Comments

All the posts that you have liked from your account, will lose a count. Your comments will be disappeared and also the mentions and tags will go away. Everything will be hidden until you enable your IG account. Yeah you read it right, when you re-enable your account, all those likes, comments, tags and mentions will be back live.

What Happens to Followers?

When your account is disabled, all your followers will see that their following and/or followers count will decrease by one. Because your account isn’t live on the platform.

What happens with DMs?

Well, nothing actually happens to your DMs but you just can not receive or send a DM on IG. Also, the people with whom you were having a convo will see that your name will be changed to “Instagrammer”.

Are People Going to Unfollow Me?

Another question that will arise in your mind after you disable your IG account is that what will happen with my followers will they just unfollow me? Well, they can not! Because they won’t be able to see an unfollow option on your profile. BTW, disabling a profile when you won’t be active for a long time on IG is a great idea. Because people won’t be able to remove you from their following list thinking you’re an inactive profile.

And.. Boom! As soon as you re enable your profile, everything that was lost will be back to it’s original state.


Do you lose your followers if you disable your Instagram account?

No! You do not lose any of your followers in case you disable your Instagram account and re-enable it.

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