Do you really need antivirus or security apps for your android?

Android is one of the widely-used and popular operating systems across the world. It means that having the finest antivirus tools and even security apps for this operating system on your smartphone is essential. This is because often the operating systems of Google are highly targeted by malware and virus.

It is important to have a security app or antivirus installed in the mobile phone before using any software.  Most of the android users think that security apps or antivirus are useless, so they do not install any security tools on their device. An important news for Android users that there are more than 3.5 million nasty Android apps available now. Most of these apps arrive from the Play Store. Also, the number of these malicious Android applications continues to increase. Recently, Google successfully removed three hundred apps from Play Store that infected the smartphones.


If you actually want to keep your Android device safe, you need to use the security apps or antivirus to get the desired level of protection. This post will share you more useful details regarding security apps that aid you in understanding the importance of these security tools.

The significance of antivirus or security apps

Many Android users can depend on their common sense for protecting their device. With the arrival of powerful malware affects them to achieve the desired result. For your device it is recommended to find out the best security apps or antivirus.

Here are the main reasons to use the right antivirus as follow:

Less usage of resources

The main problem with the old antivirus is that it can slow down your device while working in its background. Additionally, the older version of antivirus scanners need lots of resources that leads to impacted battery life and reduced performance. Though, these kinds of issues are not available in the advanced versions of antivirus apps specially made for the Android operating system.

They also ensure that the performance and battery impact is very less. In simple words, the latest antivirus tools are highly efficient when compared to old versions of antivirus software.

Better detection rate

Once Google discovered that the Play Store is the main source of malware-infected Android applications. Thus, it makes an important decision to make a huge push completely towards the security features with a specially developed program. With the new program, Google provides protection to Android users from thieves and hackers.

The best kind of antivirus program offers protection in numerous ways. Both the applications and even their updates are properly scanned while uploaded to Play Store. If any suspicious codes are detected, then the apps are removed instantly. Along with this, Google scans every app before installed on the Android device to confirm that the users are not downloading and installing the malware.

Now, you can find out an array of 3rd security apps which exceed that this industry average that includes many apps with outstanding detection rates. Some kinds of applications also come with some specialized features to scan every app before installation.

Why opt for the best antivirus apps?

The newly developed and advanced version of security apps are dedicated to offering 100% protection from virus and malware program. It is essential to know that some of the antivirus apps require you a subscription fee. They add better value to both the privacy and security of your Android device.

Web protection

It is another good example of an antivirus app. While Chrome provides some security against fraudulent and malicious links. Most of the antivirus software protects some additional layer of protection. It not only offers anti-adware and anti-phishing protection but also let you enjoy Wi-Fi security. Apart from scanning the local Wi-Fi networks, it also ensures that it is secure and legit.
The special kind of apps scans the links from your text messages and emails before opening them to make sure that they are secure.

Anti-theft protection

When it comes to anti-theft protection, it is a well-known example of protecting applications. The good thing about this app is that it provides the 3 pillars for your protection including locate, remote wipe and remote lock. It also consists of a remote access facility through SMS. Rather than following any difficulties, you can simply send a message because it is highly faster and accessible when compared with others.

Benefits of antivirus apps

  • The newly developed and launched antivirus applications are well-equipped with many latest features to identify the threats in your device.
  • The working of android antivirus is similar to your PC antivirus software.
  • When you install this antivirus in your device, you can start to scan all files on your device and find out the sneaky software easily.
  • The antivirus applications will quickly highlight different kinds of malware problems
  • Android antivirus does not remove the harmful files automatically, so once the malware files are identified you need to do it manually.
  • Not every virus definition is up-to-date as well as not every antivirus has the similar features and specifications.
  • The common thing about these antivirus apps is that they are offering lots of useful facilities including remote wipe and backup solutions.

Cost of antivirus apps

It is a well-known fact that the cost of these Android antivirus applications will vary from one to another tool. Now, you can find out both the paid and free version of these antivirus applications.

The good news is that the free version of antivirus apps comes with many security features and vital functions. When it comes to the pro or paid versions, they feature the similar core functionality. The only difference is that they are boasting of many additional features useful for android users. It includes ad blocking, remote wipe and lock, backup facilities and much more.


If you want to give an additional layer of protection to your device, you can opt for the latest version of antivirus applications. It is always smart to ensure that the chosen antivirus applications never take up more disk space, consume more battery, reduce the processing speed and annoy you with any notifications.

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