Is it possible to have Multiple Snapchats?: Find out here…

Ever since its inception Snapchat has been continually anticipating the expectations of users and delivering the change required to best suit their needs. As one of the biggest snap based social media platforms Snapchat is a great platform to stay connected with friends as well as it is an effective medium to build and promote brands. If you are an entrepreneur, a businessperson, a freelancing professional or a social media influencer, having a single account on Snapchat is not enough and hence it calls for Multiple Snapchats for personal and professional purposes respectively.

In this blog post, you’ll learn everything about the possibility and practice of having multiple Snapchat accounts, and adding 2 Snapchats on a single mobile device.

Is it possible to have Multiple Snapchats?

Before starting the discussion, the first question which needs to be answered is whether you can have more than one account on Snapchat or not?

The answer for this is a positive one. Yes you can for sure have multiple accounts on Snapchat as well. Just like other social media platforms including Instagram and Twitter, Snapchat does let its users to add more than one account on the app.

Why to have Multiple Accounts on Snapchat?

With emergence of digital marketing, nowadays, social media is one of the most preferred destinations for marketers and business people to get connect with existing and prospective customers. Thus, most of the social media sites and applications have realized the need of people to have more than a single account and allowed them with the facility to operate a business account.

So if you own a business or act as freelancing professional, it’s always a good choice to have separate accounts—one for personal use, while the other one for business. Hence, the reason for having two accounts is pretty straightforward; with a separate business account they can keep a gap between your personal-life and work-life.

While other people may think of having a second Snapchat account as a backup or for security reasons – in case anything goes wrong with the first account. As anyone can fall prey to cyber crime or other such acts and while no account is safe from unforeseen invasion such as hacking. In addition to that there is always a chance of getting your account suspended or banned in contravention to privacy policy of the app; hence people do prefer an additional account.

Adding Two Snapchat Accounts on One Device:

By now, you must be thinking of adding another account to Snapchat app on your device. So, to help you out here’s how to activate and operate multiple Snapchat accounts.

A procedural guide is given below which will tell you about how to add 2 Snapchat accounts on one phone (for both iPhone and Android devices).

Step 1: Log out of your existing Snapchat account

In order to add second Snapchat accounts, you are required to log out of the existing account from your settings.

As there is no such option available which can enable you to sign in to new account on Snapchat while you’re already logged in to one. Thus before creating a new account, you need tolog out of your existing Snapchat account using following steps.

  • To begin with, launch Snapchat on your device.
  • Here on the top navigation bar you will see your profile picture, make a tap on it.
  • Then, tap on the gear shaped icon provided on the top right corner to head to your settings.
  • Under your settings, you’ll see get multiple headers like “My Account”, “Additional Services”, “Who Can…”, and so on.
  • Find the “Account Actions” by scroll down the page.
  • Under the “Account Actions”, look for the “Log Out” option by scrolling to the bottom of the screen.
  • Lastly, tap on “Log Out” to finish the step.

Once you are logged out of it, you can add another account by tapping on the “Sign up” button.

Step 2: Create a new account by tapping on “Sign up”

Having tapped on “Sign up”, you are required to follow the on-screen instructions to sign up for a fresh account.

  • Once you have logged out of Snapchat (as mentioned in Step 1), you’ll again be routed on the login screen.
  • Here you will get to see three optionsincluding “Log In”, “Sign Up”, and “Use Other Account”. (“Log In” will let you log into your Snapchat account, while “Sign Up” will allow you to create a new account. Moreover if you already have an alternative Snapchat account in place, you can straight away tap on “Use Other Account”).
  • As in your case, tap on “Sign Up”to create a second account on Snapchat.
  • Provide all necessary fields (your first name, last name, birthday, and other information) by following the on-screen instructions to sign up
  • After creating new Snapchat account, you are required to verify email address.
  • Go to your email account inbox and open a “Welcome to Snapchat!” email, and tap on the verification link (“Confirm Email”) therein to verify your email id.

Now that you’ve a new Snapchat account proceed to the next step to learn how to log in to Sanpchat with your new account.

Step 3: Log in to Snapchat with your new account

Once you’ve created a new account for yourself on Snapchat as provided in Step 2, you can now log in to this fresh account by tapping “Log In” on the login screen.

As you haven’t yet log in to this account, it will appear without a Bitmoji and your profile picture will just have a simple outline in its place. To log in to your new Snapchat account, you first need to scroll to it and then make a tap on your profile picture ortap on “Log In”.

Moreover, now you can also switch accounts from login screen as per your requirement.

Logging into both Snapchat accounts at once?

Instead of switching the accounts, if you want to log into both of these Snapchat accounts at once; there is quite a possibility for it. But, you can only manage to do it on 2 different mobile devices. With a single device, the only option available is to switch between the accounts as you can access one account at a time. At present, Snapchat has no such feature which can enable you to switch accounts while you’re logged in. Thus, you must log out of one account to log into another account on Snapchat.


With the growing demand of a strong digital presence both for individuals as well as businesses, having more than one account on a social media platform like Snapchat is imperative than ever before.

Multiple Snapchats help you to set apart your personal and business related activities by having a separate business account. Other than that having 2 accounts will give you leverage in event of your account being hacked and bans. It is all possible to have 2 Snapchat accounts at a time. However it will require you to have two separate devices to log on at the same time.

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