Facebook is full of great people but it also has some creeps using the platform. There comes time when you understand that it was a big mistake to add this person in your friend list. So, you may now need to remove that person. On other hand if you haven’t spoke to a person for years or just don’t remember who the hell is that in your friend list, here is how to unfriend someone on Facebook. Doing it is so easy and takes a few seconds!
How to unfriend someone on Facebook using website

To unfriend someone on Facebook website, visit the profile of target person. Just below their cover photo, you’ll find a button “Friends” click on it and select Unfriend.
How to unfriend someone on Facebook App (Android/iPhone)

If you’re on Facebook app and willing to remove someone from your friends list, all you have to do is just go to their profile tap on Friends button and select Unfriend. If you’re on iPhone, you will see unfriend as first option after tapping Friends. In case of an Android device, you can find Unfriend option at the last.
Facebook on Android also lets you take a break from your friend. If you don’t want to remove them but want to see less of their updates, you can opt for Take a break.
What Happens When You Unfriend Someone on Facebook?
If you unfriend someone on Facebook, you won’t be able to see their private posts either on your feed or on their profile page. Also the person you’ve unfriended won’t be able to look at your private posts. However, if you have mutual friends you can pictures in which you’ve been tagged.
Well, according to Facebook if you’ve unfriended a person, they won’t receive a notification. So, just hitting that unfriend button will make sure they do not know you have unfriend them.
It depends on what you want or how irritated you are from that person. Unfriending means you still leave a door open for future communications. On other hand, when you block someone there is no way to contact you again from the same ID.
Blocking is the worse! Because when you unfriend someone, they can still see your public posts and posts you’re tagged in. But in case of block, they won’t be able to communicate you nor they will be able to see any of your posts.
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