How to Fix Obtaining IP Address Error on Android

The number of internet users is increasing at a very fast pace in India as well as abroad. India has a very wide user-base, taking the services of internet connection on their mobile phone. With the data costs going low, more and more people are switching to unlimited data plans.

However, there is a good chunk of people who can’t afford an unlimited data plan to date. For these users, utilizing a WiFi network and connecting to the Hot-Spot is the Viable Option.

There are many public places where free Wifi is available and there are a huge number of people, who want to make use of this WiFi facility. If a person is having an Android Smart-Phone, he can easily connect to the WiFi network available.

There are times, when there are problems, connecting to these “WiFi” networks. At times, when you try to connect a Wifi network, you get the message “Obtaining IP Address” and then the system falls in a loop. Finally, it is not possible to connect to the WiFi internet due to this problem.

Here, in this article, we will try to find out the solutions to this problem. We will tell you the ways, by utilizing which, you can connect to the available WiFi network. We will explain more than one method here and you have to try out all the methods, till your phone gets connected to the WiFi network.

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The problem of not able to connect the available WiFI network is common with many people using Android Phones. There are people, who are facing this problem with one specific WiFI network and there are people who face this problem with all the WiFi networks available.

First, we will have a look at the common reasons for this particular error or problem. Some of the common reasons because of which this problem is faced are as follows:

  1. Wireless interference can be the reason for this error
  2. The Router Glitch can be the other reason for this problem
  3. Improper Wireless Security Settings can be the other reason for this error
  4. MAC Address’s Black Listing Settings can be responsible for this problem
  5. A Software Conflict can be the other reason for this error

Now, we will have a look at potential ways to solve this problem:

Removing the Network and again Re-adding the network

If you are facing the problem of IP configuration failure, you have to remove the network and then again re-add the network. Following this step can possibly solve your problem.

This step will force the router to reconfigure some of the settings, and assignment of the new IP address. Try out this method and see if the problem is solved. If the error persists try out the other methods described below.

Making the phone to move in airplane mode


If your phone failed to obtain an IP address, you can turn your phone to the flight mode, keep it in the flight mode for 10-15 seconds and then again bring it to the normal mode.

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There is a possibility that your problem can be solved by utilizing this method. The turning on of the flight mode and again bringing it to the normal mode ensures that the router settings are reconfigured. If the problem persists even after this, try out the other methods mentioned below.

Rebooting the Android Phone and Router

If there is a case when your phone failed to obtain the IP address, the next option in front of you is to reboot the Android phone as well as Router. This is applicable if you are using a home router or cyber cafe WiFi internet connection.

If the problem is due to software or Router glitch, the problem can be sorted out on restarting the router. You can try this method and see if you are getting the same error again. In case you are getting the same error, you will have to try other methods, which are described below.

Setting up of the WPA2 – PSK

If you are facing the IP configuration failure in android phone WPA encryption can be the reason for the same. There are many android phones, which are not able to respond well to WAP encryption. Setting up of WPA2-PSK can be the probable solution to this situation. Set up the WPA2-PSK and see if the error still persists. If the error is still persisting even after setting the WPA encryption, try out the other methods mentioned below.

Turning the MAC Filter Off

If you are trying to connect the WiFI and if the WiFI failed to obtain IP address you can try to turn the MAC filter off. That is you have to go to the settings and deactivate the MAC Filtering. This may help you to bring your phone out of the blacklist and readily connecting it to the WiFI network.

Assigning a Static IP address to the Phone

If you can t obtain IP address while connecting to the WIFI network or Hotspot you can assign a static IP address to your phone. If your phone is unable to obtain an IP address, you can a static IP address to it.

This will sort your problem but, this solution is a temporary one. You will have to change the IP address every time you switch the WiFI network or switch off the phone. The static IP should be inserted in the required format only. This method is the last resort to your problem if you are getting the error even after following the above methods.

Thus, we have seen the key ways to get rid of the “Obtaining IP address” error and connect to the available Wifi network or hotspot. It should be stressed here that the methods mentioned above are practical methods and you have to try all the methods, till the time you are not able to connect to the Wifi network.

The above methods are based on the experience of real-life users and you can take benefit from their experience.

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