Locate & Get On With Chat: Here’s How To Find Someone On WhatsApp

Have you just joined WhatsApp and looking for someone to have a chat with them, but don’t know how to locate them; or else simply out of curiosity want to know about finding people on WhatsApp. Either way, we will make you learn the process with this article. So, let’s check it out and know how to find someone on WhatsApp to start a conversation.

This handy guide will let you learn about the steps as to how you can find someone on WhatsApp by phone number, and without a phone number.

Finding people on WhatsApp:

Looking for people to chat with on WhatsApp? It’s quite simple and straight. You can find them via the mobile App on your device, or even on web browser or using the desktop application.

Though WhatsApp is one of the most popular means of communication (both formal as well as personal) these days, still the platform has a drawback that it lacks a central online directory of users (like that of Skype). Thus, it makes it quite impossible for you to search for an outsider in your WhatsApp app.

So, the only way out there is to have their phone number. If you want find a person to start a conversation with them on WhatsApp, following are the two essential conditions:

  • you must already have their number stored on your phone and;
  • they must have registered an account on WhatsApp with the same number.

If these don’t hold true, sorry to say but there’s no other way around it.

Now, assuming that you have the phone number of the person whom you want to chat with on WhatsApp, Here’s how to find someone on WhatsApp.

How to find someone on WhatsApp (On Android & iPhone)

You can effortlessly find someone on WhatsApp when you know their phone number or have it stored in the contact list of your device.

As per its default settings, WhatsApp will automatically show up the contacts stored on your phone in the contacts list of WhatsApp (if they are using the app). To find someone on WhatsApp, open the app on your device. Head to the list of contacts and scroll down to find the target contact and once you have found it in your list, tap and start on a fresh conversation.

If you haven’t stored the phone number first ensure to add it to your Contacts app with the correct dialing code (local or international whichever applicable). Then restart/refresh your WhatsApp app to bring up the said contact in WhatsApp contact list.

Note: You can also add a contact in your WhatsApp contact list, by yourself without adding them first in the contact list on your device. This can be done using the option called “New contact” on WhatsApp. Just tap on it, and add the contact details.

Having that said, let’s take a look at steps-by-step process for a better understanding.

Steps to find someone on WhatsApp using Android device

  • Step#1 Launch theWhatsApp app on your Android device.
  • Step#2 Then you will get to see the Chats screen (as default settings), if not tap the “Chats” button located on the top of the screen. 
  • Step#3 Look forthe green icon located at the bottom-right corner of the Chats screen, and then tap it. 
  • Step#4 Now, it will show up the list of your contacts, scroll down to find the person you want to chat with on WhatsApp or else just tap on the Search bar provided at the top of the screen and type in their name. 
  • Step#5 Once, the name of that person appears on the list/screen, simply make a tap on it to start a new conversation with them.

That’s all you need to do to find someone on WhatsApp using Android mobile phone.

Steps to find someone on WhatsApp using iOS device

  • Step#1 Launch theWhatsApp app on your iPhone. 
  • Step#2 Then you will get to see the Chats screen (as default settings), if not then tap on the “Chats” icon (two overlapped speech bubbles) located at the bottom menu bar.
  • Step#3 On the Chats section, tap the “Compose” button provided at the upper-right corner. This will automatically show up your list of contacts. 
  • Step#4 In case you have hundreds of contact numbers to narrow down the search process tap the Search bar provided at the top of the screen, type in the name of the person you want to find. Once you find the person or the contact appears, just make a tap on it to launch your chat with the person.
  • Step#5 A new chat will open and continue to be there in your active chat list unless you remove it or delete the conversation. 

That’s all you need to do to find someone on WhatsApp using iPhone.

How to find someone on WhatsApp without a phone number?

There’s no possibility to do so, as the only way of finding someone on WhatsApp is via the Chat section. Hence, you must note that when you want to find someone whose phone number is not there in your contacts list on WhatsApp, you should first add them ahead in order to make it possible for you to locate them on WhatsApp and getting started with them for a conversation. 

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