Fast Company Gets Hacked! Apple News Feed used to Send Obscene Notification

The readers of Fast Company, a monthly American business magazine were shocked to receive racial slur notification from Apple news feed of the website. On Tuesday evening, someone hijacked the Apple news account of website and sent obscene push notification using it.

Fast company took to twitter to confirm the hack, “Fast Company’s Apple News account was hacked on Tuesday evening. Two obscene and racist push notifications were sent about a minute apart. The messages are vile and not in line with the content and ethos of Fast Company. We are investigating the situation and have suspended the feed & shutdown until we are certain the situation has been resolved. To clarify: Fast Company’s content management system (CMS) was hacked on Tuesday evening, which impacted our Apple News alerts.”

The hacker (claims themselves/himself to be postpixel) also posted an article on Fast Company before they took down the website describing at length how they were able to execute the attack and deriding attempts to secure the outlet’s publishing tools. The message claims they got in thanks to a password that was shared across many accounts, including an administrator.

fastcompany hacked

It is still unclear how many people have received this notification but Vox Media staffers who don’t pay for subscriptions to Fast Company say it popped up on their phones as well.

As a respond to this deed, Apple News has also disabled their channel. A tweet from Apple News’s official account reads, “An incredibly offensive alert was sent by Fast Company, which has been hacked. Apple News has disabled their channel.”

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