Discord QR Code Login – A Great Way To Access Discord

Discord is among most popular platform for gaming community. If you are an ardent Discord user, you might be familiar with Discord QR Code. But if you have no idea about what it is all about and how you will be benefited by using Discord QR Code, this article is a must read for you in 2023.

What is Discord QR Code Login?

Discord QR code login is a feature which enable users a swift, suitable and secure access to their Discord account. If you are using QR code login to access your account on Discord, you can get connected without entering your account log in credentials, instead you just need to scan the QR code provided on the login screen and get going.

But most of the users don’t know about how to scan QR code to access Discord account. This blog article will let you learn everything that you must be aware of while using this method to login into your Discord account.  

How to Use Discord QR Code Log in?

In order to login to your Discord account using a QR code, you need to have the Discord mobile app downloaded on your device. As a matter of fact, QR code scanning feature is available on both; Discord for Android (on Google Play Store) and Discord for iOS (on Apple’s App Store).

Once you get the Discord app installed on your mobile device, log in with your account credentials. Having that done you can now easily log into the Discord desktop or browser client any time by merely scanning a QR code with the app. Here’s how to scan the login code for accessing your account.

  • Launch the Discord app.
  • Go to the User Settings Menu, and then select the Scan QR Code option!
  • It will then ask for camera permissions, in case you have granted them already then you are all set to scan!
  • As soon as the scanner opens, just place it in front of the box with the QR code on screen.
  • Once you have scanned the QR code, you are required to verify and approve the current login effort.
  • The moment you approve it, your desktop device or browser client will be logged in
  • That’s all you have to do and here you are ready to go!


1) You can alternatively scan the QR code with any other application that supports QR scanning, including the Camera app. In such case, you will receive a shortcut to the Discord app for further scanning and approval.

2) In general, QR codes are effective just for 2 minutes and if you fail to scan the generated QR code in 2 minutes, you have to re-generate Discord QR code for successful login attempt. For generating a new QR code you simply need to refresh the login page or else you can also restart the desktop Discord app!

But what if you want to log out of that device? Well the process remains the same as you normally use. Let’s check it out.

To log out of the device on which you have logged in using Discord QR code, you need to perform following steps:

  • Go to User Settings
  • Now select Log Out option provided thereon to log out from the desktop or browser client

That’s all. You have just logged out of the said device until your next log in session!

Discord QR Code Login – Some Precautionary Measure

As discussed above the method of accessing your account via Discord QR code is quite easier than you think. It will give you full control over the devices allowed to login using the verification screen. But if you can prevent the login attempt against QR code scanned mistakenly. Here’s a list of precautionary measures you need to take into consideration:

  • Never approve a QR code login that is not generated by you. If someone sent a QR code that led you to the login verification screen, hit cancel instantaneously.
  • Change your Discord password to log out all devices immediately if you approve a login by mistake.
  • Always keep in mind that any QR code login needs your approval, hence check out for that verification screen and by no means verify a login attempt that is not being asked by you.
  • Beware of phishing activities. If you get request from some suspicious person or a stranger asking you to login using a QR code, it is likely that they are trying to phish your account.

Summing Up

Scanning a QR code from your Discord mobile app is a great way to log in on to a new desktop computer or browser client, regardless of where you are. This blog article has provided you with step-by-step guide on How to use Discord QR code to access your Discord account. In addition to that it has also let you be aware of safety precautions and tips to be remembered while using Discord QR code. Hope the information proves to be of help to you.

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