[2024] Can You See When Someone Sends Your Instagram Story?

With Instagram Stories, you can share photos and videos that will disappear automatically from your profile, Feed and messages after 24 hours, unless you add them to your profile as story highlights. A lot of your time on Instagram is likely spent tapping through Instagram Stories. Everyone shares Instagram stories to their followers. Sometimes, users might even want to share your funny or interesting Story on their own Instagram story. If you upload an Instagram story and want to know if you can see when someone sends your Instagram story to someone else. You can see who saw the story but the answer depends on how you go about it. Here’s everything you need to know about how sharing Stories works on the app and lets find out can you see when someone sends your Instagram story in 2024?

There are three ways to share an Instagram Story.

  • Send a Story directly on their own story 
  • Screenshot a Story and post the screenshot to your IG Story 
  • Send a Story to another Instagram account via DM. 

When someone Share A your Story Directly To their IG Story

Someone can directly send your Instagram story as their own story when you tag the user or account. Instagram gives you notification when that user sends your story as their own story. That notification comes in your DM section.

When Someone Share Your Instagram Story Via Screenshot

If someone takes a screenshot of your story and puts that screenshot as their own story then the Instagram will not notify you. Doesn’t matter whether that person follows you or not.

When Someone Share Your Instagram Story Via DM

Anyone can send your story to other Instagram users. If your account is public then everyone can see your story but if your account is private then the story is visible only to your followers who follow you back.  You can not see when someone sends your Instagram story via DM.


Is there a way to know who is sharing your IG stories?

No! Currently there isn’t any way or option to find out the person who is sharing your IG stories with others.

Is there a way to encourage more shares of my Instagram Story without seeing who shares it?

Absolutely! To boost engagement and encourage users to share your story, focus on creating compelling content that resonates with your audience. Utilize engaging visuals, interactive features like polls or questions, and post consistently to maintain user interest.

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