Pros And Cons Of Instagram You Should Know

Pros and Cons of Instagram: We have been using Instagram for long, some of us are regular users, and some have just created an account but never get time to log in! Those who are the active participants of this extremely powerful social networking site, know the hidden benefits of Instagram. And those who still don’t know it, are spending time on Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat, Reddit, etc.

The online social media networking site has been offering tremendous features for the past ten years, now it has become more powerful offering features like IGTV, Instagram business account, Instagram advertising, and more!

There are merits and demerits of Instagram which are not perfectly explained in places- but, rightly we found the topic of discussion today!

This app has hundred millions of active users and yes including all the celebrities you are a fan of. But like everything else it also has some negative facts. You might already have an Instagram account and looking forward to knowing about the pros and cons of Instagram as you are here reading this. So let’s directly jump over to it and make your journey more interesting with the best social platform that exists!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Instagram

Pros: (Advantages of Instagram)


People love to watch online, be it anything- YouTube is the biggest example. They do read blogs, for sure- but when there’s any attractive video coming in, they can’t resist themselves! Instagram has brought IGTV or where things are getting uploaded in millions every second, just like YouTube. 

Have you tried IGTV yet? No? Ohh then you are really missing something big! If you are a travel enthusiast or a sportsperson or you love to decorate houses or into jewellery designing- whatever it might be, you have a deal for you at IGTV. Wait! Is it the same quality that you get on YouTube? Nope, on IGTV you find videos only uploaded by experts/ enthusiasts and professionals in the same field, not just by anybody. So if you are looking for a really helpful, genuine, informative, good quality video, then switch over to IGTV.

Turn of commenting & Privacy Settings

If you do not wish any comments on your pictures then you can turn off the comments other than just deleting them.

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People are always conscious about their privacy and this amazing application has this feature. This ensures that the outsider (users that are not following you) will have no access to the pictures and videos you share on your profile page and they will have to request your permission to see them.

Forever for Free

Talking about the pros and cons of Instagram the best part of this application is that it is totally free to sign up for and use for a lifetime. You can post your pictures and videos all for free!

It’s really wonderful to enjoy such a professional platform like Instagram for free, create a community around you, reach out to people having similar interests, grow followers- it’s an all-in-one platform for sharing real experiences!

Editing and filters

Instagram provides editing of the pictures like adjusting, rotating, and also adding filters to the pictures, enhancing them, and adding more character to the images. You don’t need any separate applications for editing your pictures and making them more attractive. This app has it all.

Sharing options

You see something and how can you not show it to your best friend? Instagram has the amazing feature of sharing videos and pictures to people of your choice.

Great for people who travel

Another advantage of Instagram is that it is great for people who travel and want to start travel blogging of their own. It allows you to mention the location and you can also see pictures of people who share the same location.

Frequent updates

Instagram gives you frequent updates of anyone who you follow, either it is anyone you know, anyone who you don’t know but you follow. You can also keep yourself updated anytime they post fresh content. can follow celebrities of your choice.

Instagram stories

Just like Snapchat Instagram has also introduced the story features where you can post any video or photo for 24 hours. You can add as many photos or videos you want and add filters to them, also save them, highlight them for a later-read.

Link Instagram to other platforms

Instagram helps you to share your content on other platforms too. You can link Instagram with your other social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, etc, and share any post there too which you are sharing on Instagram.

Promotion of business

Anyone who is starting their career fresh and wants to promote their brands then Instagram provides effective promotion where you can show your work and ideas to the audiences.

Instagram business account

As we know that the true power of social networks is Influence. You can turn yourself into a part-time businessman or businesswoman by using an Instagram business account. You can switch your personal account to a business account anytime you want. This app gives you the opportunity to learn more about the needs and wants of the audience and reach them very easily. By switching your account into a business account you show the need to be recognized as a brand or a business profile and want your customers to get in touch with you through call, text, or emails.

Cons: (Disadvantages of Instagram)

Search users

If you are willing to search someone on Instagram then you must know their username. Every username is unique and you cannot find people with their real names.

Edit privacy

Talking about the pros and cons of Instagram, the app has the con of edit privacy. You cannot keep one picture public and the other private. It’s either fully public or fully private. There’s no in-between.

Being copied

There is another disadvantage of Instagram as it gives the right to its users to reuse and redistribute any image that a user uploads on their feed.

This means the picture you upload can be used by others without your consent and without any compensation. This can only be avoided by keeping your account private.


Since social media networking has come into existence people have glued themselves to the apps and Instagram has been one of them which has become an addiction to a lot of people. Even the people who do not upload pictures or videos on their own profile, spend their entire day viewing pictures of others and sneaking into their profiles.

Creating a need to show off

Competition between teens and adults has always been a factor and has created the need for a fake life. Everybody on the social media platform wants to look good and better than the other. Some people became famous overnight which created a craving in others too, to become famous and eventually they start pretending to be who they are not. The need for fame and validation is highly toxic and is one of the biggest negatives of Instagram which has been unnoticed and growing rapidly.

Few features on the web

If you have ever used the web version of Instagram then you can easily know the difference as it lacks many features. Instagram has less access to the web version but it is working on adding some features to the web but we cannot expect all of them. So if you ever want to try Instagram then better download the app itself.

Platform Dependency | iOS and android app

Instagram only works on an iOS or Android device. If you use Linux or BlackBerry then it will not work.

False advertising

Some Instagram users tend to become famous and use the strategy of false advertising as they try to gain more followers and generate leads.


This app is designed to be used with mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. It has very low functionality on desktop computers.

Dependent on images

As it is a sharing app of pictures and videos, it lacks textual updates, whereas Facebook and Twitter have this facility which attracts more users. Being dependent on images you share, if your picture attracts other users then you can gain followers and likes.

But if your pictures are not so good then people skip past your images on their feeds and also ignore the description below it. If it is promotional content then this can lead you to lose your audience, which can further cause where people might unfollow you, and you lose your followers.

Ad features are less advanced

This app is great for promoting brands and products but Instagram advertising features are less advanced as it has a limited audience. Its links are less effective compared to that of Facebook.

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In the conclusion of Pros And Cons Of Instagram, it is a great platform for those who love taking pictures and post them for others to see. Instagram has twenty times more engaged users than any other social media app. There are over thirty billion shared images, with seventy million images being uploaded daily. Without letting the cons go unnoticed, experience the app by downloading it straight from the play store and enjoy it now.

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