Here’s How To See Who Doesn’t Follow You Back On Instagram

People who follow you on Instagram are usually interested in the content you post. And they want to engage with you. You can tell if someone follows you as you’ll see them watching your stories, joining your Lives and leaving likes or comments on your posts. But sometimes, especially as your Instagram following grows, you may not tell which profiles follow/unfollow you. Some Instagram users go as far as deploying the follow-unfollow strategy that seems to be commonplace lately. They will send you a follow request and then as you start to follow back them, they unfollow you.  Instagram notify you when someone follows you but does not give any notification when someone unfollows you. If you want to know how to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram, we’re sharing a few tips and tricks to help you out!

How to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram

Instagram doesn’t show you a list of people who unfollowed you. They only show you 50 accounts that you’ve least interacted with. However, there are several ways to check if someone unfollowed you or doesn’t follow you back on Instagram. 

Look at your Followers list

This is a very first method to see who doesn’t follow you back. You can search for an Instagram account name search and see if this profile is part of your Followers list.

How to see who doesn’t follow you back:

  • Go to your Instagram profile.
  • Tap on Followers 
  • Search any Instagram account name to see if they follow you 
  • If the name appears it means they follow you back
  • If you can’t find them, there’s a high chance they aren’t following you back

Do a Manual Following check

Another method is to visit their profile and see if they follow you back or not. To manually check if an Instagram account follows you follow these steps:

  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Go to the Explore page.
  • Search the username.
  • Go to their Instagram profile
  • Look at the Follow/Following button 
  • If the button shows Follow back it means this account follows you back
  • If the button shows Follow it means this account doesn’t follow you back

If the button under their profile bio shows Following, you need to unfollow them first and then you’ll be able to see the Follow back/Follow options.

Use Third-Party App

Some people like the “follow for following, then unfollow” dance.  They sent you a request and as soon as you follow back, they will unfollow you. For that you can use the third party apps which show you who unfollow you and help you to unfollow them too. Combin App, and Followers-Unfollowers App are those apps which shows you the list of the users who unfollow you or not following back. You can simply download them on the google play store. These apps are free of cost. Easy to use and help you to find the users who unfollow you.

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