How to See How Long You’ve Been Subscribed to Someone on YouTube

We all have been watching YouTube videos from a long time and are subscribed to our favorite creators. But, have you ever wondered how long it has been since you became a fan of one such creator? Well, if you’re also curious just like us, today we have brought you this easy method to find the same thing out! Go through this simple guide on how to see how long you’ve been subscribed to someone on YouTube to feed your curiosity.

How to See How Long You’ve Been Subscribed to Someone on YouTube

Follow the below mentioned steps:

  • To start with, first you have to visit Google My Account. You can access it by visiting this link – GoogleMyAccount
  • Now, you will be able to see an interface and a welcome message. From there, just click Data & Privacy from the left sidebar.
  • Now scroll down and under the History Settings tab, click on YouTube History.
  • After that, scroll to the bottom and Click Manger History.
  • Now, look at the left sidebar, here you can see Interactions, click on that.
  • Inside interactions, you will see Other YouTube interactions, just below that you will find Channel Subscriptions, click on it.
  • On the very next screen you will find all the channels that you have subscribed.
  • Look for the channel you want to see information of and just above the channel name, you will see the date of when you subscribed to the channel and below channel name, there is time of when you subscribed the same.

Hope this helps you with your query. Stay tuned to TheTechMirror for more such information, tips, How to’s.


Can I see the exact number of days or years I’ve been subscribed?

No, YouTube displays the subscription date, not the precise number of days or years. You’ll need to calculate the duration manually by comparing the subscription date to the current date.

Why would I want to know how long I’ve been subscribed to a channel?

Knowing your subscription duration can be a fun way to track your history with a YouTube channel. It allows you to celebrate milestones and your ongoing support for your favorite content creators.

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