Here is How to Change Instagram Username Easily in 2023

Username is what makes your account unique and easily searchable on social media sites. But each time you are creating an account, almost every combination of username you try is already taken by someone. So, in a hurry, you choose a username that you might regret in future. If that’s your situation and you’re willing to change your username, today we will tell you how to change Instagram username easily in 2023.

What is Display Name vs username?

Display name and username are two different things on Instagram. So, if you’re willing to make a change to your name, you should first know what is difference between these two. Display name is basically your personal or business name which defines your identity. On the other hand, username is shown on top of your account. It can be used by your friends to tag you in their posts with an “@” symbol. Also, username is what goes at the end of your Instagram URL.

Changing a display name is easy and doesn’t have many restrictions. But, usernames have more restrictions, which are :

1 Should be unique to your account.
2 It has to be less than 30 characters.
3 Can contain only letters, numbers, periods and underscores.
4 No profanity or restricted language.

How to change Instagram username on App

Instagram has all its focus on mobile app. You can use it on desktop too but you can take benefit of most of its features on mobile app only. So, first method we will share here is how to change Instagram username on app.

Step 1 : Tap on profile icon at the bottom right of the app and open your profile.
Step 2 : Head to Edit Profile below your bio.
Step 3 : Enter the new username you’re willing to keep in Username field.
Step 4 : Hit checkmark at the top right.

That’s it!

How to change Instagram username on Desktop?

If you want to change your Instagram’s username on your desktop, first thing you need to do is, open on your browser and login with your credentials. Then follow the below mentioned steps.

Step 1 : Click on the Profile icon.
Step 2 : Head to Settings and click Edit Profile
Step 3 : In the Username field, type your desired username.
Step 4 : Click Submit and you’re done!

What will happen when you change your username?

Changing your username on Instagram won’t make any big differences. But, people might get confused with it. Also your account URL will be changed and if someone steals your username, you won’t be able to get it back in future.

Changing username won’t make any changes to your followers or following count. Also, when someone tries to access your account by typing your username, IG will show them “sorry this page isn’t available. Another thing that will happen is people won’t be able to access your account from old tags or mentions.

Can’t Change Instagram Username?

If Instagram isn’t allowing you to submit a new username it means that it doesn’t meet their requirements or someone has already taken it. Another reason to this problem could be network issue or problem with app caching. Also it could be a bug from Instagram’s side. So, just wait for a few hours or restart your device or you can uninstall and reinstall the app.

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