5 Ways to Know If Your PC Graphics Card Is Going Bad

The graphics card is one of the most expensive gadgets among all the gaming PCs which individuals love to own in this modern era. If you are a hardcore gamer, the high-quality graphics card are the foremost desire that you should look for. In the recent era, the graphics card adopts a bunch of success and value.

But, there is one more wonder that people want in graphics card is their lifespan, people want these graphics cards to have to be built to the last.


Actually, the Graphics Card is the e-gadget which can last for a long time & there is not a proper way in which we calculate the lifespan of the graphics card as they are the electronic gadgets and the electronic gadgets may be fails sometimes with the time. Now, the question is how to tell if your graphics card is dying. There are numerous ways for this question. And, sometimes a graphics card dies without showing any sign.

There are numerous incidents in which the graphics card die. Thus, don’t waste your time and keep in mind about the warnings & signs that essentially indicate that the graphics card starts slowly dying.

5 Signs That Shows Your Graphics Card Dying –


There is a fact that considering how the Graphics Card is all about visuals and most of the severe signs of their death are also related to visuals. Thus, it is certainly the most important thing that you have to know –

Stuttering or Lag

Shuttering is a common sign of dying your graphics card. Though, shuttering or lag is also happens as one of the most sophisticated sign to troubleshoot. The lagging or shuttering is happened due to multiple different reasons which are happening due to numerous reasons which are related to the graphics card. For instance, there are following reasons for getting lagging or shuttering in your graphics card –

  • The Graphics card is not much powerful & dominant to run your game.
  • Your game is not completely optimized.
  • If there is any kind of malware issue
  • You have to update your drivers.
  • Your RAM is not working well with your game.

Other than the issues that are mentioned, there are many other issues also. The simplest method to establish the issue is via lowering settings of your game and simply trying the game which is used to play well but it doesn’t work well longer. And, if your game is still stuttering not working fine, then you have to test the different graphics card, if possible the similar one, or the model below. Moreover, if your game works well on other graphics card, then you would know the exact issue.

Screen Glitch

An additional common problem in the graphics card’s dying is the screen glitching. But, glitching is not always known as a sign of the worse graphics card, sometimes the glitching happen due to the bad display of the cable and even drivers themselves. Moreover, sometimes, due to the media that you want to play or game that you would like to play maybe un-optimized or corrupted so that glitching take place.

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Though, if glitching starts to happen in the different videos and numerous games, then there is an issue with your graphics card. Same as that of the previous step, you have to test the issue by simply opt for the numerous graphics card and this testing will clarify the whole situation about the graphics card issue. There is one more important point, that you should keep in mind is that if you see any type of strange colors and weird lines on your screen than it could be glitching. Other than this, you may also see the colors of some characters or position shifting from their actual place. Thus, these are the few reasons that you have to know about glitches.

Screen Artifacts

Screen Artifacts is also one of the most important reasons for graphics card dying. In this modern day Graphics cards, there is an issue that they show artifacts on the screen when your graphics card almost has gone to be a dye. It is something dramatic, but the fact is true. Many individuals observe it several times. When there are artifacts, there are some small colored dots that are appearing on the screen and screen becomes like the weird lines & showing some strange patterns.

Do consider that, it will normally happen when your GPU has become under the load. Thus, when you see your GPU is under the load, then there will be the artifacts appearing on your screen.  Thus, this is a notorious way to observe the artifacts.

Blue Screen

Blue is one of the most common issues that you have to face on your PC. This issue causes a lot of issues in your screen, but actually, it is a lot difficult for you to actually understand the issue. For the starters, the issue of the blue screen of the death can be caused due to RAM, processor, bad drivers, bad Windows, hard drive, & many other reasons. In case of Blue screen of death, you have to observe when an error occurs; for example, if Blue Screen is occurring particularly when we play a game and when the GPU is under the load, then it is the issue of your GPU.

Fan Noise

Fan Noise is also an issue or determinant. This issue is also related to an extensive load on GPU. When GPU is working hotter than it can, then fans of your system will start faster spinning and push a lot of air to GPU. The major thing that you have to do here is to check the temperature of your GPU when you start gaming.


Mentioned above are some of the signs your GPU is dying. But you have to keep in your mind that the above steps are not recognized as hard & fast rules.  And, there are some chances with the above steps that you may not have the dead GPU to start with. You have to claim your GPU warranty if you have any of the above issues as doing this will surely help you.

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