Interesting update: Know the amount of time you spend on Instagram

It was announced in August that Instagram would launch tools that would help users know the time spent on apps. Hence, currently it has rolled out the dashboard which has below highlights:


  • You can set a daily time limit for using the app.
  • Also, you can avail option to mute push notifications for some time.

You can access this feature by clicking on the hamburger icon in the top-right corner of your profile page an thus visiting the ‘Your Activity’ menu in the Instagram app.

This new feature is in the form of a dashboard.

insatagram new feature your activity

It has the following specifications:

  • It defines the amount of time you’ve spent in the app over the last week. Not only this it also shows an estimate of the average time spent every day.
  • Also, you can set a daily time limit for the Instagram app. In case you cross it, you will get an alert with a notification. The drawback is to check the alert, and thus closing the app to get out of it.
  • It also allows you to choose which notifications you want to receive.

It is believed that Instagram has had quite a history with social media addiction. However, with this new feature things may change. As per the survey last year by the Royal Society for Public Health, it was identified that Instagram was the worst social media platform affecting the mental health.

Although Instagram ranked well in self-expression and self-identity, as per the survey it was a major cause of high levels of anxiety, depression, bullying and FOMO – the fear of missing out

It is also in the news that Facebook too will soon be launching a similar feature.

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