{Latest} How To See Liked Posts On Instagram in 2024

The 12 year old social networking platform has changed a lot with time and we can see plenty of new features were added to Instagram and many of them were removed. One of the best feature was the ability to see others’ liked posts in “Following activity” feed. The feature was abandoned by Instagram back in 2019. So, it is not that easy to find what others are liking on Instagram. Still, you can see your liked posts on Instagram very easily. Below you will find how to see liked posts on Instagram in 2024.

How to See Your Liked Pots on Instagram 2024

You can easily see the posts you’ve double tapped or pressed the heart icon on Instagram recently. Meta’s IG allows you to browse the last 300 posts you’ve liked. So, if you’re willing to share that meme with your friend which you’ve liked two days ago, we will tell you! Here is how to see your liked posts on Instagram in 2023.

Step 1: Go to your Instagram Profile section.

Step 2: Tap the Menu icon placed on top right of the screen. Now a bottom sheet will popup. Select Your Activity from it.

how to see your liked posts on instagram

Step 3: Inside your activity, press Interactions then Likes.

how to see your liked posts on instagram 2022

Here you will find the last 300 posts you’ve liked. From there you can select multiple posts and unlike them at once. Or you can sort & filter these posts.

How to see someone else’s liked posts on Instagram?

Well, as we’ve already mentioned in the beginning of post, Instagram has removed the feature of viewing other’s activity in 2019. So, you can’t easily access what your favorite people are liking on Instagram. But, IG always highlights your friends’ likes and comments on the posts in feed and explore (Only if these posts are also being suggested to you).


Why did Instagram remove following activity?

According to Vishal Shah, Instagram’s head of product, the following activity tab was removed from IG to give Instagram more simplicity and to cut down the extra feature that many people didn’t knew about.

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