How to Log Out of League of Legends: Best Possible Ways

As a game lover League of Legends is always among the top of your game list. While it is a great fun to play the game, you’re at high risk and can be in big trouble if you fail to remember to log out of League of Legend. So, always ensure to log out of League as anyone can use wrongly your account information, currencies, or impersonate you if not logged out properly. If you are stuck and have no clue on how to log out of league of legends, take time out and read through this article if you want to know the best ways to do so.

League of Legends: An Overview

League of Legends is an online battle ground. This is a multiplayer team-based strategy video game was launched in 2009. Ever since then the popularity of the game has taken it to another level in a decade after its release.

The game is played between two teams who fight each other to demolish the opposition’s foundation. As the team moves up the levels it becomes tougher and powerful with the eventual purpose of destroying the other team.

The ever growing recognition has opened way for League of Legends merchandise. And not only that, the brand has also ventured into professional ties with other media ranging from music videos to web-series, and even comic books. An animated series on Netflix set in League of Legends Universe is also slated to be out soon.

As far as the game is concerned it can be played anywhere may it be your personal computer or on public computers at places such as internet café or play zones. Whatever the case may be you must always remember to log out of League of Legendswhen using your account and saved your credit card details or shared other relevant credentials. So let’s check out how to log out of League of Legends.

How To Log Out Of League Of Legends

For the purpose of safeguarding your data and login credentials, it is heavily recommended to log out of League of Legendssoon after you are finished with the game. Here are the methods that you may consider in order to sign off from your League of Legends account.

Since League of Legends is accessible via the League of Legends Client as well as from the web browser, we have dealt the process of sign out of both of these approaches separately in sections given below:

How to Log Out of League of Legends from Client?

League of Legends Client is an application that can be downloaded to your system as an alternative of using it straight via web browser. Playing the game on readily available app on your system is much more preferred and suitable as compared to playing it on the web browser. But whatever you choose, never forget to log out of your account. To do so while using League of Legends client you must simply follow the steps mentioned underneath:

  • Launch League of Legends Client on your system.
  • This will take you to the League of Legends window.
  • You will find options to minimise or close, provided at the top right corner of the client.
  • From among those options Click close (X mark).
  • Soon after that a confirmation pop-up box will appear with Exit and Sign Out options.
  • Click on the SIGN OUT option to logout of the League of Legend client or EXIT if you wish to logout as well as to shutdown the client. (Always keep in mind to select SIGN OUT to logout, in case you have opted for to remain signed in at the time of logging in.)

Note: The League of Legends is offered for both Windows OS or Mac OS. And the process to log out of League of Legends remains the same irrespective of operating system you use.

How to Log Out of League of Legends from Web Browser?

League of Legends is can be surfed via any web browser including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and others. If you are playing League of Legends from the web browser, once you are finished with the game follow the below steps to log out of League of Legends Website:

  • Navigate to League of Legends official website, (If you are logged into your account your name will appear in the top right corner of the page.)
  • Take the cursor on your name and click it.
  • From the dropdown which will now appear on your screen, select the Logout option.
  • In just no time you will be logged out of your League of Legends account.

How to Log Out of League of Legends Via Task Manager (An Alternative Method)

As an alternative to the above two unified ways, you can also try to get yourself logged out from League of Legends using the Task Manager. To perform this job here are the steps to undertake:

  • Open the task manager (for Windows systems), or Force quit applications (for macOS systems)
  • Select to end or force quit the League of Legends application.

That’s all… you will now get logged out of League of Legends.

Other than this alternative, you can also log out of League of Legends via a hard reset or power off your system. But we always recommend you to stay away from these ways to log out of application as it may result into some severe damage to hardware and software of your device.

Even if you find it hard to get yourself log out of the game, you are left with the option to contact the League of Legends support center and asks them to address and resolve your problem.

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