What are NTFS used for?

NTFS stands for NT file system or new technology file system.

NTFS is the file system that the Windows NT operating system uses for storing and retrieving files on hard disk drives and solid state drives .

NTFS uses binary trees in order to store the files system data; although complex to implement, this allows fast access times and decreases fragmentation.

NTFS incorporates improving performance, reliability and disk space additional extensions such as security access control lists and file journaling.

A file system journal is used in order to guarantee the integrality of the file system itself.

In NTFS everything that has anything to do with a file (Name, creation date, access permissions, and and even contents) is written down as meta-data. 

Systems using NTFS are known to have improved reliability, a particularly important requirement considering the unstable nature of the older version of Windows NT.

the central system structure of the NTFS is the master file table (MFT) Instead of keeping the filenames in folder files, the entire file structure of NTFS is retained in a flat  file database called the MFT.

1. Improved support for metadata 2. Advances data structuring improves performance and reliability 3. Improved disk space use 4. Greater security.

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