How To Take Screenshot On iPhone 13?

If you want to capture an image of what you see on your iPhone13’s screen, you can take a screenshot of it in various ways.

Taking a screenshot in iPhone with side button

– Press the side button and the volume up button at the same time. – Quickly release both buttons. – After you take a screenshot, a thumbnail temporarily appears in the lower left corner of your screen.

You can also take a screenshot with the help of Siri, iPhone’s virtual assistant.

All you need to do is say ‘Hey Siri, Take a screenshot’ or ‘Hey Siri,take screenshot’ and your iPhone is taking the screenshot.

You can take a screenshot with back tap on your iPhone13t.

The iPhone allows you to carry out different actions simply by double tapping or triple tapping the back of your iPhone.

The back tap is turned off by default on all iPhone 13 series models. To turn on back tap

– Go to the setting of your iPhone13 – Now select the ‘Accessibility’ – Now tap ‘Touch’ and then toggle on ‘Back Tap’ – Choose either ‘Double Tap’ or ‘Triple Tap’

– Now pick ’Screenshot’ from the list of system apps. – When you want to screenshot, double tap or triple tap the back of your iPhone, depending on which you set.

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