How to Invert Colors on iPhone?

Inverting your screen will switch every color to its exact opposite. – White will become black – Blue will become orange – And vice versa.

Here is how to enable inverted colors on your iPhone

– On your iPhone, Open the Settings app and scroll down to select Accessibility. – Select Display & Text size. – After scrolling down you will find two options which are Smart Invert and Classic invert.

Smart Invert: this will only invert the colors when you have an app open your Home Screen and lock screen will have the colors muted a bit. Classic Invert : this inverts everything that appears on your screen, no matter where it comes from. – Pick any option of your choice and it will take effect immediately.

If you do not need inverted colors all the time, you can use the Accessibility shortcuts option to quickly switch the feature on and off.

– Open the setting app and select the Accessibility option. – Scroll down to and select Accessibility shortcut. – In the menu the options appear, select classic Invert or Smart Invert. – This lets you turn on inverted colors by triple clicking on the power button of your iPhone.

If you do not need inverted colors all the time, you can use the Accessibility shortcuts option to quickly switch the feature on and off.

The Inverting colors of your iphone may look strange to some users, but it is a great feature for colorblinds or issues reading a bright screen.

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